February 1994

Meeting chaired by the President VE7 CRJ. Call for sick or injured.

Minutes of last meeting were read.
Motion by Bob VE7 PJ seconded by Paul VE7 ETY that minutes be adopted as read.

It was stated that VE7 CA Mark Hanson and VE7 DQA Percy Pineault were in town.


The Baker Mt. insurance is coming due. The President said he would check on rates at other places.

Old Business

Bingo help is required. It was stated that they can use anyone that comes down. 

There is some interferance on 34/94 Repeator. 

VE7 BGO George reported on Satellite work. He has not heard voices on MIR lately. AO 21 is 2 METERS DOWN, 70 C.M. UP. 

New Business

Letter from Kootenay Childrens Festival for overnite Security on May 27, 8:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M., May 28.
Motion by Russ VE7 FA seconded by Paul VE7 ETY that we would help them at this time.

There will be a swap meet at Kinnard Hall on May 14th. 

Spokane Ham Fest June 18th. and 19th.

Motion to adjourn meeting by VE7 ERG.

H. Honeyman
Recording Secretary