December 1994

Meeting chaired by Gerry VE7 KD.

Visitors recognized: Chris VE7 ETQ and Ed VE7 FZ.

Motion by VE7 NEK Ken seconded by VE7 PJ that minutes be adopted as read.

Financial Statement: by George VE7 CR.
Cash    $       5.97 
Bank    $ 4825.35 
Dues    $   807.43 
Rep.    $ 4048.66 
Int.      $     11.66 
Shares $     36.53 

Old Business

The President stated that we have 18 names to date and classes will start on Jan. 9th. or 10th.. Date not set yet. Nathan Hall will set date. Fee will be: Study: $23.19 Club Dues: $24.00 RAC: $28.00 Total: $75.19 Cost of course: $80.00. There have been 16 Study Guides and 3 Advanced Books ordered. 

Kathy VE7 KFR said she put a display of Radio Amateurs books in the library and a note stating when the classes will start.

It was stated that we should put an application in for a New Horizons grant.

New Business

The last Bingo made $815.35 less $25.00 for advertising. the next Bingo will be Dec. 17th.. Russ said   they may get a turkey for a door prize. 

George VE7 CR stated that there were a few that had not paid their dues. Joe VE7 CRJ stated that Ken VE7 ERP of Nelson is paying for linking, himself. 

December 1994 continued....

Motion by Bob VE7 PJ seconded by Harold VE7 ESW that our club buy one set of X tolls for link at Nelson Mt. Carried. 

Bob VE7 PJ talked about the Invermere link.

Joe VE7 CRJ spoke about the linking as it is now and some changes they would like to make.

Bob VE7 PJ said there is a new Repeater in Park 146.700 Down 600.

Motion to adjourn by Bob VE7 PJ.

H. Honeyman
Recording Secretary