April 08, 2017





Guests: Gerry Smith, RDEK Cranbrook EOC coordinator.


 Meeting called to order:  at 2:05 PM by VE7LOC


 Adoption of the agenda: Motioned By CRX, Second by VA7ZYQ. Carried.

    emergency communication center. Motioned by TED, Seconded by MRP...Carried


Sick or injured amateurs:  LOC updated the group that Ken NEK had been in Cranbrook hospital but was returned to Calgary due to a re-occurrence of the infection issue. LOC and the group send their best wishes and LOC will keep the club updated.


Minutes of December meeting:  Minutes moved by DNG. Seconded by KFR. Carried.


Business arising from the minutes: LOC advised the group that instead of sending a card to NEK, he elected to put together a $35 fruit basket and presented it to Ken when arrived back in Cranbrook.

Correspondence:  Nil available.


Treasurer’s Report:  Nil available.




1.     Cranbrook/RDEK Emergency Operations Center: LOC welcomed Gerry Smith who gave an introduction to the RDEK EOC and its operations. He also explained that the club would be a welcome addition to the EOC. Members present asked about training. Gerry will look into this and advise. Several members asked about a tour of the EOC. It was decided that the coffee meeting on May 13, 2017 will be held at the RDEK EOC at 2:00 PM 45-10th Ave. (TELUS Building). Gerry can be reached at 250-421-0133. VA7BAJ asked for the coordinator contact for the Columbia region. Gerry will forward information to DNG. LOC thanked Gerry for the presentation and indicated that the club is very interested and looks forward to renewing its relationship with the RDEK EOC.

2.      Election of Officers. LOC opened the nomination session by declaring the Presidents position was open for nominations. CRX nominated LOC. LOC accepted. No other nominations received. Nominations closed. LOC acclaimed as President for 2018-2019. LOC called for nominations for the position of Secretary. MRP nominated DNG. DNG accepted. No other nominations received. Nominations closed. DNG acclaimed as Secretary for 2018-2019.

Election of Officers cont’d:  LOC opened nominations for Treasurer. MRP nominated NEK. NEK previously advised LOC he would accept. No further nominations. NEK acclaimed as Treasurer for 2018-2019. LOC closed the election portion of the meeting.

3.     Draw for Dual Band Hand Held: Discussion was held regarding the payment of dues and the draw. With NEK’s illness it has been a challenge to keep up on who has paid dues as LOC has also been collecting dues. A motion was made by JBE, Seconded by CRX that the draw be postponed till the June meeting and the date for membership dues extended to May 31, 2017.  Carried.

4.     Baker Repeater Interference: MRP said he shut off the links to Sparwood with no change, but when UHF link from Creston was shut down interference ceased and resumed when he turned the link back on. Not much interference has been noted over the last week so it was decided that the club members will monitor this issue and right now a resolution will be a low priority.

5.     Swap Meet:  Discussion was held regarding a swap meet and it was decided it would be done at the summer picnic. If you have any excess equipment bring it along.

6.     Notice of New Executive Position: LOC served notice of the intention of the addition of a new executive position of Emergency Operations Coordinator. Motion for creation, nominations and election to above position will take place at the June 2017 meeting.


Meeting adjourned:  at 3:11 PM by KFR


NEXT MEETING:   Coffee meeting May 13, 2017 at the RDEK EOC


                               Next Meeting June 10, 2017