To send me a VHF DX Alert:
SMS: +353872388634

QSL info:
David Cawley, Glenisland,
Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland

VHF     50MHz     144MHz         

e-mail: [email protected]

Tropospheric Propagation (GD0EMG)
GD0EMG on the Isle of Man who I worked on 22/10/00.
Under normal conditions the signal would be barely readable but under enhanced tropospheric conditions its quite strong

Sporadic E (EH9IB)
EH9IB in Cueta who I worked on 21/10/00.
He was almost 2100kms away and it was single hop sporadic E

Aurora (MM0AMW)
MM0AMW in Scotland who I worked on 21/08/00.
This is auroral backscatter propagation and the auroral distortion is
very obvious. You can hear the report given as 52A indicating an
Auroral tone

Trans Equatorial Propagation (TEP) (ZS6XJ)
ZS6WB in South Africa who I worked on 28/10/00.
His signal was 59 into IO53 over a distance of 9500kms.

Meteor Scatter (OZ5IQ)
OZ5IQ in Denmark who I worked on 18/11/00.
This was during the Geminids Meteor Shower and his signal was very strong! The time of Meteor Shower peaks can be predicted accurately to within a few hours unlike other modes. Try listening during the Perseids or Leonids showers.

F2 Layer (4Z5AO)
4Z5AO in Israel who I worked on 19/12/00.
F2 Propagation is how the real DX is worked !!! Signals are very strong
and usually its the pileups and not conditions that hamper stations with
small dipoles and low power. During this opening stations in Greece were 59+40 dB. Watch out for F2 around November.

Audio Clips of more 50MHz dx I worked ...

LU2FFD in Argentina

PY5CC in Brazil

ZR1ADI in Capetown (JF Grid) South Africa

OD5/OK1MU in Lebanon

VE1YX in Canada

Z21FO in Zimbabwe

PY0FF in Fernando de Noronha

ZS6BTE in South Africa

ZS6Y in South Africa

ZS6WB in South Africa

and Clips of 50MHz dx I heard …

V5/ZS4NS in Namibia (NOT WORKED)

5N9EAM/8 in Nigeria (NOT WORKED)