ERASD Albums
Board Members
Welcome To The Egyptian Radio Amateurs
Society Site. The ERASD is the only organization
of it's kind in the country, we are located in Cairo.
Membership is open to all licensed amateur radio
operators in good standing and anyone who is
interested in amateur radio and would like to get
a license.

ERASD has the following objectives:
* Promote interest in amateur radio communication,
experimentation, and public service .

* Provide effective amateur radio services for
emergencies, public services, and
community projects .

* Promote mutual exchange of knowledge to
improve amateur radio services in Egypt .

* Provide educational programs to assist interested
persons in developing or improving amateur radio
skills , and preparing them to get their license .

* Participating in the national events and field days .
* Sharing in international and regional activities in
coordination with IARU region 1
On these pages you'll note
information on our Society
and its activities in particular
and ham radio in general.
Hams are always ready to
share their experiences with
others and members of ERASD
are no different. If you are
looking for information about
amateur radio and you don't
find it on these pages, don't
hesitate to ask us.
The navigation buttons will take
you to the various sections of
the site. Feel free to explore
them. You'll also see links and
logos throughout the site that
are of interest to hams. We
hope to receive your
comments , and hear you on
the air!