
/? Prints a short summary of the available commands

/Help [subj] Get help on a subject

The help command may be invoked with an additional parameter. I believe you

hacked in "help help" to see this, right ? :-). better try out help options

that are followed by an additional command.


/Away [text] Mark user as being away

The away command places you in Away mode, and sets an away-text for the other users. If you call the away command with no additional arguments, you are marked as being back again.


/ACtion text Write action to channel/ME text Write action to channel

If you want to display an action you take, you might use this command. E.g. entering the line "/me yawns" all connected users in this channel will see

a message like: "*** dc6iq yawns"


/ALl text Send text to all users

If you are in Query mode, a text written with /all at the front willbe displayed as a normal convers text written to all users on this channel.


/Beep Toggle Beep-Mode/BELl Toggle Beep-Mode

The beep command toggles a warning bell (^G) being sent before every messagecoming from another user. This command really is a subset of the /prompt

command, see there.


/BYe Terminate the convers session

/Exit Terminate the convers session

/Quit Terminate the convers session

Passing this command to conversd, you will retire from the famous Ping-Pong

conversation. I hope you enjoyed this stuff :-)


/Channel n Switch to channel n/Join Switch to channel n

Join another channel. Unlike other other conversd implementations Ping-Pong,

conversd supports multiple channel joins the same time. Thus the old channel

is not left. You may do this by invoking "/leave".


/CHARset [in [out]] Change terminal emulation (default ansi)

With this command, you can tell the convers deamon which type of umlauts you

prefer to use. The Syntax is /char [intype [outtype]]. For example, if you

work on an Atari st you could say: "/char atari atari". If you use a pc and

like to write your own umlauts in TeX style, "/char tex pc" may work. Play a

bit around with this feature ! Special Thanks to Thommy,

<[email protected]> (Internet mail) <[email protected]>

(AmPR-Net mail) who wrote this nice feature. Suggestions to this feature

should be redirected to him :-)


/CQ [text] Sends a CQ to all users

Invoking this command will send out a message like: *** callsign@hostname channel xx calling CQ [topic]' where 'xx' is your current channel number and 'topic' is an optional

text string. This will be displayed as a normal convers text written to all

users on all channels.


/CStat Displays links and destinations information


/CUt Simulates the cutting of a card deck/displays result

Simulates the cutting of a deck of cards and displays selected card.


/Destinations List reachable ping-pong hosts/HOsts List reachable ping-pong hosts

All Pingpong hosts in the network being connected to each other are listed.

The numbers shown in the list are response times in seconds.


/BYe Terminate the convers session

/Exit Terminate the convers session

/Quit Terminate the convers session

Passing this command to conversd, you will retire from the famous Ping-Pong

conversation. I hope you enjoyed this stuff :-)


/EXClude user text Send Text to all on channel except user

/IMsg user text Send Text to all on channel except user

/IWrite user text Send Text to all on channel except user

The exclude command is the opposite of the /msg command. You can send

messages to all users on the channel except the one given as the first

parameter. Internally these messages are sent as private messages to the

users, so links are flooded a bit more :-)


/HAlt Halt the convers server - operator-only command

The halt command is a special operator mode command that is used to bring a

confused or troublesome server to a halted condition. This does everything

that the /restart command does, and then goes into an infinite loop,

not allowing new connects or links, but also not exiting the program.

While it's usefulness is limited, when you need it, you NEED it ;-)


/? Prints a short summary of the available commands

/Help [subj] Get help on a subject

The help command may be invoked with an additional parameter. I believe you

hacked in "help help" to see this, right ? :-). better try out help options

that are followed by an additional command.


/Destinations List reachable ping-pong hosts

/HOsts List reachable ping-pong hosts

All Pingpong hosts in the network being connected to each other are listed.

The numbers shown in the list are response times in seconds.


/Invite user Invite user to join your channel

/Page user Page a user to join your channel

An invitation to the named user is sent. The invite is passed through all

convers nodes in the net. If the user is on another channel, he will be able

to join your private channel. If he is online on a unix machine, he will

receive the invitation message via standard broadcast by conversd. In the

latter case he will be unable to join a private channel directly.


/EXClude user text Send Text to all on channel except user

/IMsg user text Send Text to all on channel except user

/IWrite user text Send Text to all on channel except user

The exclude command is the opposite of the /msg command. You can send

messages to all users on the channel except the one given as the first

parameter. Internally these messages are sent as private messages to the

users, so links are flooded a bit more :-)


/Channel n Switch to channel n

/Join Switch to channel n

Join another channel. Unlike other other conversd implementations Ping-Pong,

conversd supports multiple channel joins the same time. Thus the old channel

is not left. You may do this by invoking "/leave".


/LAst user List last appearances of user

The last sign on and sign of of the specified user is diplayed. You must at

know his name then the data base will be searched to look up the login/out

time. Special thanks to Wolfgang Tremmel for his basic work on this item

His email adresses are <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>.


/LEave [channel] Leaves specified or default channel

Invoking this command you will leave the actual channel or the specified

channel. If the given channel is your last existence in the convers channel,

you'll quit the whole program.


/Links [args] List or setup links (see "help links")

The current link state is displayed. In the standard version, host name,

link state, link round trip times, neighbour revision codes and state time

followed by time of next try and count of connect tries (on disconnected or

connecting links) are shown, connected lines print out their queue length

and total transmit statistics.

If you are sysop, you may also set up or remove links at runtime.

Adding a link might happen like this:

"/l dc6iq-u 2 4 unix:/tcp/.sockets/netcmd connect tcp dc6iq 3600"

In this command a host called dc6iq-u will be entered into group 2 by

quality 4. The link will be established by using WAMPES.


/LISt List all channels and topics

All channels, their topics (if set), flags (if some) and users are displayed.


/ACtion text Write action to channel

/ME text Write action to channel

If you want to display an action you take, you might use this command. E.g.

entering the line "/me yawns" all connected users in this channel will see

a message like: "*** dc6iq yawns"


/MOde #channel options Set channel options

The mode command is one of the most complicated ones. It is invoked with

"/mode <channel> <+|-><t|i|s|m|p|l|o<name>>". Flags may be a set of the


t - channel topic may be set by channel operators only

i - channel is invisible for users not on it

s - channel is secret, only its number not displayed

m - channel is moderated, only channel-operators may talk

p - channel is private, invitation needed to join here

l - channel is local, no text forwarding to other nodes (NYI)

o<name> - make <name> a channel operator

The plus indicates an option to be set, a dash resets the option. A

combination of + and - is allowed so the following command will work:

"/mode 69 -s+todc6iq". Channel 69 is no longer secret, but topics may be

set only by channel operators. In addition the user dc6iq becomes a

channel operator.


/Msg user|#channel text Send message to a user or joined channel

/Send user text Send a private message to user

/WRite user text Send a private message to user

Send a text to one special user or a joined channel. If the message should

be redirected to a channel, The command must be invoked in this syntax:

"/msg #<channel> <text>". The adressee (if user) can indicate the private

character of the message due to additional asterisks in his received lines.

a mesage written by dc6iq to dc1ik looks like this: "/m dc1ik This is a Test"

will be received by dc1ik like this: "<*dc6iq*>: This is a test".


/News Prints out the current PingPong 'news'

Prints out the current Conference Bridge 'news'.


/NIckname name Set the name you will be identified by

Set the name you will be identified by.


/NOnickname Reset nickname to your username

Set the name you will be identified by back to your user name.


/NOTify [calls] Send notice if one of calls signs on

You are notified if one person out of the notification list appears on any

channel in this convers. E.g. "/notify + dc1ik" adds the user dc1ik to the

notification list, "/notify - db4ut" removes him from the list. The list is

initially treated as if a plus "+"-sign was given, multiple lists may be

specified. The following command would be legal and would result in adding

dc1ik, db4ut and dg3kcr to the list, while removing dc6iq and dh2paf:

"/notify dh2paf + dc1ik db4ut - dc6iq dh2paf +dg3kcr"

Removing non-members to the list is ignored.


/NOTE [text] Set personal description

/PErsonal [text] Set personal description

A brief description can be set up, accessible to all users via the "/who"

command. A typical Message looks like this: "/pers Fred, Buechig, JN49fb".


/Operator [number] Become operator

/SYSOp [number] Become operator

Invoking this command, a random number from 0..99999 will be displyed.

Take each digit, multiply with the corresponding digit in the secret number

at the configuration file, sum it and enter the number by invoking

"/oper <n>".


/Invite user Invite user to join your channel

/Page user Page a user to join your channel

An invitation to the named user is sent. The invite is passed through all

convers nodes in the net. If the user is on another channel, he will be able

to join your private channel. If he is online on a unix machine, he will

receive the invitation message via standard broadcast by conversd. In the

latter case he will be unable to join a private channel directly.


/NOTE [text] Set personal description

/PErsonal [text] Set personal description

A brief description can be set up, accessible to all users via the "/who"

command. A typical Message looks like this: "/pers Fred, Buechig, JN49fb".


/PRompt abcd Prompts a=query b=std c=ctrl-g d=ctrl-h

The prompt command takes up to four arguments in one concatenated string.

Thus "/prompt abcd" will set up "a" for the query prompt, "b" for the

standard prompt. "d" is the character to remove the prompt, and "c" is

displayed whenever a text is sent to you. Normally you make "c" a control-G

(beep char) and "d" a backspace or delete character (control-h or 0x7f).


/QUEry [user] Start/End a private conversation

The username given as argument will be the only recipient for all further

texts. They are send as private messages (just like /m). With no optional

argument, the further texts go into the whole channel again.


/BYe Terminate the convers session

/Exit Terminate the convers session

/Quit Terminate the convers session

Passing this command to conversd, you will retire from the famous Ping-Pong

conversation. I hope you enjoyed this stuff :-)


/QUOte Sends host's Quote-of-the-day to the current channel

Sends host's Quote-of-the-day to the current channel.


/Realname [user] List nicknames and realnames of users

List nicknames and realnames of users.


/REStart Restart the convers server - operator-only command

This is a operator mode command that brings down all active links and users.

The server remains up and active after the /restart command is complete.

This is good to flush the system and start fresh, with requiring the

server to exit and restart.


/ROll Simulates the rolling of two dice/displays selection

Simulates the rolling of two dice amd displays selected dice.


/Msg user|#channel text Send message to a user or joined channel

/Send user text Send a private message to user

/WRite user text Send a private message to user

Send a text to one special user or a joined channel. If the message should

be redirected to a channel, The command must be invoked in this syntax:

"/msg #<channel> <text>". The adressee (if user) can indicate the private

character of the message due to additional asterisks in his received lines.

a mesage written by dc6iq to dc1ik looks like this: "/m dc1ik This is a Test"

will be received by dc1ik like this: "<*dc6iq*>: This is a test".


/SMiley Displays a random 'smiley' and its meaning

Displays a random 'smiley' and the meaning of that smiley.


/STats [[mode] [num]] Request statistics on this server


/SYsinfo [host] Requests information about a specific host site

Requests system information about a specific host. The information can

contain anything, but should at least contain the email address of the

sysop of that site


/Operator [number] Become operator

/SYSOp [number] Become operator

Invoking this command, a random number from 0..99999 will be displyed.

Take each digit, multiply with the corresponding digit in the secret number

at the configuration file, sum it and enter the number by invoking

"/oper <n>".


/Time Sends host's current time to the current channel

Sends host's current time to all on the current channel.


/TOpic [#chan] [text] Set channel topic. Text=@ removes topic

A brief description of the channel topic can be set. Other users can look

it up with the "/who quick" or "/list" commands. If the channel number is

omitted, the topic will be set to the current channel, else to the desired

one. if no #channel is given, the topic will appear on the current channel,

if specified, the topic on that channel will be set (only if you're logged

on to that channel). To clear a topic, just try to set a topic like "@" :-)

An empty topic command diplays the current's channel topic.


/UPtime How long has this conversd been up ?

The uptime command tells us how long this conversd is up and running.


/Users [*|A|L|Q] List users and their channel numbers

/Who [*|A|L|Q|U users] List users and their channel numbers

The who command supports up to four switches. An "a" will diplay all users

and their Away texts, if set. A "l" generates a _long_ list containing

personal texts, away texts and Queue informations. A "q" gives a brief list.

An asterisk "*" displays the users on your current channel in normal mode.

If you want to get informations about specific users, you can use the

"who u userlist" variant or the "whois user" command.


/Verbose Toggles verbose Flag

The verbose flag is toggled. You will be flooded with information if you

enable this feature.


/VERSion Show version information

Print out version information to this software.


/Users [*|A|L|Q] List users and their channel numbers

/Who [*|A|L|Q|U users] List users and their channel numbers

The who command supports up to four switches. An "a" will diplay all users

and their Away texts, if set. A "l" generates a _long_ list containing

personal texts, away texts and Queue informations. A "q" gives a brief list.

An asterisk "*" displays the users on your current channel in normal mode.

If you want to get informations about specific users, you can use the

"who u userlist" variant or the "whois user" command.

/WHOIs [user] Gives complete information about a user

This is a question to conversd. "/whois dc6iq" will show all available

informations about dc6iq, i.e. joined channels, personal description,

away message and times.


/WHOIs [user] Gives complete information about a user

This is a question to conversd. "/whois dc6iq" will show all available

informations about dc6iq, i.e. joined channels, personal description,

away message and times.


/WIdth [value] Set/show terminal width

Tell conversd about your screen width. Then formatted messages will use the

entire screen. It is set to 80 by default.


/Msg user|#channel text Send message to a user or joined channel

/Send user text Send a private message to user

/WRite user text Send a private message to user

Send a text to one special user or a joined channel. If the message should

be redirected to a channel, The command must be invoked in this syntax:

"/msg #<channel> <text>". The adressee (if user) can indicate the private

character of the message due to additional asterisks in his received lines.

a mesage written by dc6iq to dc1ik looks like this: "/m dc1ik This is a Test"

will be received by dc1ik like this: "<*dc6iq*>: This is a test".