VqLog 2.0 de EA6VQ (WIN) Great logbook for V/U/SHF. Manage locators and several awards Cheap (9 MB)
Swisslog(WIN) A classic one. Lots of features: maps, statistics, cluster and packet support, transceiver control de transceptor, rotor.... (10MB)
Urelib Free logbook from URE. Works under MS-DOS. Easy.
CT621 Freeware version of K1EA contest software. Old but still useful
Super Duper From EI5SD. Manage several international, european and spanish contest.
SDIOTA From the same programmer of SD. Only for IOTA contest. Freeware
URELOC Freeware software from URE specific for V/U/SHF spanish contest..
URECON Freeware software specific for CNCW spanish contest.
WIN95SSTV SSTV with the soundcard Easy to use.
CHROMAPIX From the same programmers of WIN95SSTV.
MSSCAN SSTV with the sound card. Repeater function.
JVCOMM32 Latest release of JVFAX. With modem or soundcard
WINPIXPRO SSTV with the soundcard
PSK31 G3PLX´s software for PSK over Sound Blaster
PSKGNR Add-on for PSK31, new functions, log, memories... by WD5GNR
MIXWDEMO PSK/CW/FSK31/SSB Tx/Rx and PACTOR/HELL Rx over soundcard. Lots of features, log, contest managing...
AGWPE Multi TNC packet engine with TNC or soundcard. AX25 and TCP/IP over radio
AGWCLUSTER AGWPE utility. Cluster software. Easy to use.
AGWTERMINAL AGWPE utility. Multichanel packet terminal.
AGWBBS AGWPE utility for BBS managing.
AGWDIGI AGWPE utility for digipeater managing.
WINPACK Multichanel packet console. Lots of features. Works under AGWPE with TF2AGW driver.
TSTHWIN Multichanel packet console. Lots of features. Works under AGWPE with TF2AGW driver.
TF2AGW.DLL TCP/IP driver for AGWPE. Allows TCP/IP conection to other software..
FTV SSTV, FAX, RTTY and CW Rx with soundcard.
RITTY RTTY and PACTOR with soundcard..
BTL RTTY with soundcard.
FLEXNET Packet suite. Not for network novices.
CHROMASOUND Dsp-audio emulator. Amazing.
POC32 Paging decoding with Sounblaster
WISP Satellite tracking.

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