Some of my QSL cards:
Place your mouse over images to see comments

This is my old Personal QSL Card

329 VL 42
received via SSTV

6 MU 162  69 MU 011

32 MU 144  72 MU 139

4 MU 209  10 MU 110

2 MU 110  9 MU 016

50 MU 105  18 MU 102

QSL cards MU confirming QSO, obtained without contribution or progressive numbers

212 GW 002  146 CK 01

310 LRG 005   93 CZ 033

302 KP 011

QSL cards confirming QSO, obtained without contribution or progressive numbers

158 SD 179  104 SD 010

178 SD 103  52 SD 234

27 AT 118  54 AT 894

137 AT 106  10 AT 163

107 AT 107  36 AT 102

83 AT 101   12 AT 171

SD & AT QSL cards confirming QSO´s, obtained without contribution or progressive numbers as I like to do


Most recent QSL´s received on my collection.

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