gibflag.gif (19782 Byte)                              Gibraltar 2001

         ZB2/DL7AFS   (Babs)              ZB2/DJ7ZG     (Lot)

The QSL-card

QSL-card EA9-activity

This is the QSL-card of our

ZB2 - DX-pedition!


The QSL-Info

QSL via the German QSL-bureau DARC to DL7AFS

or direct to:

Baerbel Linge, DL7AFS
Eichwaldstr. 86
D-34123 Kassel

Please remember if you will send several QSLs in one envelope, to include enough postage....



Gibraltar Coast View Gibraltar Rock

A view of Gibraltar

The Rock of Gibraltar

ZB2-QTH (Hotel Caleta)

Our QTH in Gibraltar

Announcment of our next DX-pedition in the DX-Reflector on the 31-Mar-2001:

ZB2/DL7AFS ZB2/DJ7ZG Gibraltar

Babs and Lot, DL7AFS and Dj7ZG will be active again.

RTTY,PSK and SSB on 10 to 80m between 23. until 30.April.. Logs/infos at


The dxpedition has started as expected.

The first DX-Cluster messages came up:

23 Apr     PA1MR          28490.0      ZB2/DL7AFS     1102 

23 Apr     OK1DRQ     28490.0      ZB2/DL7AFS     1115