Education and Professions
I had a rather unusual education as far as I can put my opinion to that, till to the age of 16 we traveld all around the wourld, for example, I was borne in Karatchi/Pakistan, mouved over to Afganistan, Iran, Kuwait, Saudiarabia, Jemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Israel, Southafrika, South- amerika, Panama, Northamerika and a lot other places. It was quite diffikult to keep up with school and for all it was funny changing Languages from one school to another.
The most interessting thing was that I couldn`t even speake a word in my own mother language (German), wich I learnd many jears later.
I almost had the same development during my job-edukation, went to the army for 8 jears, and during this period I learnd different skills like, industrial clerk, spesialized in job organisation, car mechaniks, radio and television technischen, industrial technischen, and after I left the army I dedicated all my skills to one point and bekame a foundry worker. In the meantime I am foundry-manager spesialized to horizontal continous casting of copper alloys.
I wouldn`t have ever beleaved anyone telling me, that my future would round up in a foundery.
But even this job has a lot to do with amateur-radio, for example you can get good material for building poweramps, cavitiy filters and a lot of other nice things.
Horisontal continous casting plant
I will now explain to you how this casting method works like, we start from the left to the right and the produckt example is tin-bronze
..raw copper, tin and phosphorus are beeing put together depending on the needed mechanikal values of the produckt, of corse we also recicle scraps that have been returned from our costomers, and add all this material into our melting furnace. The typikal powercapacity of a furnace of this kind lays around 450 to 900 KW. So you might have a meltingrate of about 1 to 2.2t per hour . When the melt reaches it`s right temperature of about 1250°C and the analysis has ist correckt values the liquid metal will be spilled over the launder into the holding-furnace. The holding-furnace must keep the melt to a very stabel temprature so that quality is garanteed. The melt gets it`s form and strukture in the mold, where it is solidified by a controled cooling system, the produced strip leaves the mold with a temperature of about 300 to 600° C, depending on the casted alloy. That is offcorse much to dangerous so you have to cool it down to room temperature with a secondary or spraywater-cooling. The pulling-unit pulls the strip out of the mold in reproduciable cycles and pushes it trough the cutting-unit , until it reaches the coiling-unit, where it is beeing rolled together. As soon as the coil reaches it`s notified dimension or weight, the strip will be seperated by the cutting-unit a new coil starts again.
If some one reads this he would think it is very easy, if he knows what he`s talking about, yes! If not then he should respeckt the work done by foundry-men, under very hard, hot and dirty conditions, because it is up to them, providing the rest of the industry with material to produce other nice and important things. In case you are interested in what they produce, have a look at the following Home-page.
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