Kirstin`s Homepage

                                                     That's me, Kirstin...

Hallo, wie geht's denn so?
Hello, how are you today ?  UTC

Schreibt doch, wenn Du mir davon erzaehlen moechtest.
Just send an e-mail ...write soon :-)if you actually wanna tell me.

Oh, by the way, you are visitor number   since 01/01/1998

Als erstes, ein paar Infos ueber mich und mein Umfeld.
First of all, I thought about giving you some information about me and my family.

What I like to do:
Was mir Spass macht:  So far, now some interesting, funny, useful and hopefully entertaining links:
So, das ist alles fuer den Moment. Nun noch ein paar meines Erachtens interessante

Arie's Homepage (4X6UO)
tv guide
talk with Arabella
flirt with Herzblatt
Kreissparkasse Böblingen
CongressCentrum Böblingen
DARC- Ortsverband Böblingen P26
NASA Homepage


Also gut, viel Spass diesen Winter,...
Alright people, enjoy the winter,...

Mail me (I want all the news!)

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