
This wire-beam has one radiator-element, fed with 450-Ohm-Wireman-twinlead and needs an antenna-tuner. For the bands 6m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m and 20m bended reflector-elements are used. The gain in these bands is 4dBd (50MHz  2dBd). It is possible to use the antenna on 30m, 40m and 80m, too.

The support is a cross of 4 fibreglass-fishing-rods, each has a length of 4,50m.

The schematic: 

All wires 1mm copper, not insulated (very important!) Plots with EZNEC+4 of W7EL

Radiator:  wire 1=8.00m                    wires 2, 3=1.11m               total length=10.22m       center fed

Reflector 20m: wire 4=8.00m             wires 5,6=1.29m                total length=10.58m        distance=3.60m

Reflector 17m: wire10=6.40m            wires 11, 12=0.93m            total length=8.26m         distance=3.20m

Reflector 15m: wire 7=5,34m             wires 8, 9=0,58m               total length=6.50m          distance=3.00m

Reflector 12m: wire 16=5.00m           wires 17, 18=0.60m            total length=6.20            distance=2.40m

Reflector 10m: wire 13=4.60m           wires 14, 15=0.37m            total length=5.34m         distance=2.10m

Reflector 6m: wire 19=2.97m                                                                                         distance=1.40m

50,1 MHz

 Azimuth, free space

Gain 2,4dBd     F/B 4,12dB



50,1 MHz

 Elevation, 10m above ground

Gain 1,1dBd at 8°        



28,3 MHz

 Azimuth, free space

Gain 4,3dBd  F/B 7,8dB


28,3 MHz

 Elevation, 10m above ground

Gain 9,6dBd at 15°        


24,9 MHz

 Azimuth, free space

Gain 4,5dBd   F/B 7,6dB


24,9 MHz

 Elevation, 10m above ground

Gain 9,4dBd at 19°        


21,0 MHz

 Azimuth, free space

Gain 4,3dBd   F/B 7dB


21,0 MHz

 Elevation, 10m above ground

Gain 9,4dBd at 19°        


18,1 MHz

 Azimuth, free space

Gain 4,4dBd   F/B 8,6dB


18,1 MHz

 Elevation, 10m above ground

Gain 9,7dBd at 22°        


14,15 MHz

 Azimuth, free space

Gain 4,3dBd   F/B 12,1dB


14,15 MHz

 Elevation, 10m above ground

Gain 8,6dBd at 28°        


10,1 MHz

 Azimuth, free space

Gain 0,3dBd   F/B 1dB

Maximum at 180°!


10,1 MHz

 Elevation, 10m above ground

Gain 3,7dBd at 139°        



7,05 MHz

 Azimuth, free space

Gain -0,2dBd  



7,05 MHz

 Elevation, 10m above ground

Gain 3,7dBd at 114°        



3,65 MHz

 Azimuth, free space

Gain -0,35dBd  



3,65 MHz

 Elevation, 10m above ground

Gain 5,9dBd at 90°        

For Fieldday-use you get a low-band DX-antenna, if you feed the Wireman-cable parallel against a set of radials on the ground as a top-loaded vertical. This option is interesting from 30-160m. The Elevation patterns against a ground with medium conductivity are plotted below:




1,83 MHz

 4 - j 655 Ohm

Gain -1,35dBd  

Max. 25°






3,5 MHz

 16 - j 131 Ohm

Gain -1,71dBd         

Max. 26°




7,05 MHz

 205 + j 815 Ohm

Gain -2,45dBd  

Max. 25°




10,1 MHz

 534 - j 1745 Ohm

Gain -2,44dBd         

Max. 20°