DeLorme TripMate GPS

About TripMate

The DeLorme Tripmate is a low cost (~50US$) GPS without display. It is very suitable for APRS application. In combination with TinyTrack from BYONICS and a handheld you can built up a very inexpensive APRS tracker!
I use it for mobile APRS in my car since 10/2000 without any problems.
Until now i bought five of them and all are working great in combination with several other equipment like TinyTrack, TH-D7, TM-D700.

The TripMate is sold out and not longer available from DeLorme :-(

Power on modification


Modification information from Wes, KD4RDB. This file contains selfstart and power supply modification for the TripMate GPS.

Mod for external antenna

External Antenna

Modification information from Ramon,  W1/PA3EUG. This page contains detailed information how to apply a external GPS antenna to the TripMate.


Owner: DK7XE

DeLorme Tripmate GPS - DK7XE/OE6DLD

Update: 15.05.2006