The Team Members

Who went to St. Kitts ???
Bruce Phegley, W4OV, VP5VDT, ZF2PU, V47OV
Bruce was born in St. Louis, MO in 1940. He got first license with the age of 15 and has been active since then. He enjoys DX'ing, contesting and scuba diving. He went to a bunch of places in the caribbean so far.
Bob Andersohn, K0CCX, V47CX
Bob was also born in St. Louis, MO in 1940. He got first license with the age of 15 together with Bruce and now gets back to amateur radio. He likes racing motorcycles, scuba diving  and enjoys his PPL
To be changed by K0CCX
Julio Ripoll, WD4JR, V47CC
Julio got his first license in 1977 (WD4JNS) and holds an Advance Class. 
He is First Amateur Radio Coordinator for the National Hurricane Center (1980) and Asst. Amateur Radio Coordinator for W4EHW @ NHC (present) ARES & RACES Operator Miami-Dade Emergency Management since (1978) DXpeditions: VP5V 1989,VP5B 1991, VP5VDV 1991,PJ4V 1990, /PJ6 1990, /KP4 1999, ZF2FS/ZF8 1997, /ZF9 1997, /HR6 1998, /KP2 1998 & 1999. Public Service and Emergency Communications are his highest priorities in Amateur Radio. Dxing and Contesting are his other Amateur Radio enjoyments. He enjoy combining Amateur Radio DXpeditions with Scuba Diving and visiting the Caribbean Islands and works as an Architect in Miami. 
Joe Adams, VE3BW, V47CA
Joe was first licenced in 1972 as VE3CPU and has operated from many Countries :1986 VP2M/VE3CPU; 1987 8P9CW; 1988 VP5CPU,VE8CPU,CI8C; 1989 VK9ZM,VK9ZW;1990 J8/VE3CPU;1991 ZK1XO; 1992 C6A/VE3CPU; 1993-94 V2/VE3BW; 1995 HI3/VE3BW;1995-2000 V47CA; 1998 HR6/VE3BW and 1996 8P9IK.
He is also a PADI Divemaster and currently enrolled in a PADI instructor's
course. Joe works Technical Training Supervisor at Enbridge, the largest
supplier of Natural gas and liquid fuels in Canada.
Norm Sanger, VE3VFR, V47GS
Text to be added
Markus Hammelmann, DK5AX, K2XS, C6AKM, S92CW, V47AX
Markus was born in 1974 and got his first license in 1991, the US Extra Class ticket following in 1996. His main interests in amateur radio are DX'ing and contesting, both mainly in CW. Previous operations include several places in Europe (HB0, HB9, IK1, LX, OK1), the US (1997 FD N4BP & HF Champs),Bahamas (1998 WAE SSB) and Sao Tome in 1999. Markus is IT engineer and works as a consultant for Client/Server Systems.

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E-Mail Markus, DK5AX  (ex: DL5OBZ)