50MHz Day-by-Day Synopsis

11/24/99 Wednesday
Finally got the 5 element antenna up late that afternoon.  Started running the Beacon on 50.093 at 1730z.  Heard the ZD8 and 7Q7 beacons at around 2030z.  Heard PY5CC break the keyer at 2300z and was able to work him at 2304z with 519 reports both ways.  PP1CZ followed shortly after.  Continued calling CQ but no more answers that evening.

2 worked.

11/25/99 Thursday
The band finally decided to open at 1249z with IK2KSO being the first European in the log.  23 more Italian stations were followed with the following Grid locators being copied:  JN35, JN42, JN52, JN53, JN55, JN61, JN63, and JN71.  All signals were marginal.  The band seemed to close at around 1455z.  I was able to scrape two more contacts out with 9H1XT and 9H1AW.

That night the TE signals were unreal.  9U5D broke the keyer and was worked at 1855z.  I started calling CQ on 50.110 and was able to work 5H3US and 5N3CPR both with 59 signals.  The band then opened to South America, however, not too many folks were active.  PY7ZZ, PY7BZ, and PY7XC/PT7 were worked all with very strong signals.  9H1AW and 9H1JN were worked around 2203z.  Before the band closed KP4UK in FK68 was worked with 52 signals.

Did note that the ZD8 and 7Q7 beacons were in at around 2030z again.

37 total were worked.

11/26/99 Friday
The band opened at 0938z with 9H1CG in JM75 being worked.  EH7AGW followed at 0946z with weak signals both ways; then  SV1's, I's, IT's, S59A, 9A8A, G3KOX and G3NVO, EH3,s, and closing with PA0HIP being logged at 1305z with 449 signal reports both ways.

No signals that afternoon.

The ZD8 and 7Q7 beacons appeared a little earlier today at around 2022z.  Band opened via TE at 2043z with Jose, KP4EIT, being worked with 55 signals both ways.  A flurry of PY's, CT3FT, PY0's, and ZP's followed.  TE signals were unreal this evening also.

39 total were worked.

11/27/99 Saturday
The band opened a little further north this time with ON4KST being logged at 1117z with 519 signals.  ON's, PA's, DL's, LX2DX, F5JKK, HB9QQ, 9A3FT, and I's were worked before it closed to Europe at 1221z.  Signals were very hard to copy and all contacts were via CW.

No signals the rest of the afternoon.

The ZD8 and 7Q7 beacons were in briefly but no TE contacts were made that evening.

18 total were worked.

11/28/99 Sunday
No signals on the morning or afternoon of the 28th.  Beacon was heard by some briefly but they had already been worked.

PY0FF and PT7NK saved the day by being worked at 2130z and 2241z.  Signals were strong.

2 total were worked.

11/29/99 Monday
Worked 9H1AW at 0920z before we had to leave the shack to go on our one and only tour of the Island.

Returned that evening to find the band open to South America.  ZP6CW was worked at 2308z.

3 total were worked.

11/30/99 Tuesday
Worked 9H1BT at 0849z followed by IT9's, more 9H's, I's, SV1's, 9A's, EH's, CT1DYX, F's, and CT3FT closed the band at 1644z.  Signals were all marginal and conditions were in/out all day.

That evening 9H1PA and IT9CHU were worked via TE at 2108z and 2207z.

44 total were worked.

12/1/99 Wednesday -- The Last Chance!!
The band opened late with IS0QDV being worked at 1116z followed by IS0DBK.  More I's, F's, CT1BH, S57A, EH9IB, and EH5GIY.  The band closed to Europe at 1402z with F5SA being worked.

No signals in the rest of the afternoon.

That evening PY9MP, PS8ACL, and PY7ZZ were worked to closeout the log.

23 total were worked.

Wish we could have worked more of you!!  Maybe we will have better luck the next trip.


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E-Mail Markus, DK5AX  (ex: DL5OBZ)

E-Mail Matt, DA1MH