International Space Station - ISS

At first, correct your use of the letters I S S. If you say "ISS Spacestation" you double the station ;-). The word "ISS" contains already "spacestation"!  ISS

The spacestation is a big project of many countries over the world. The involved countries build their modules and blast them up from USA (NASA), Russia (ENERGIA) and French Guiana (ESA).
The spacestation was planed to beginn building arround Nov. 1997. Due to a big finance leak in Russia the first module is launched at 20.11.98.

Usefull informations of ISS:

Amateurradio on the ISS

Amateurradio in space is big experimental field. Atfer a great success on spacestation MIR the ISS will be fit with amateur radio staff. This is a basic mission-plan in the activties on ISS.

News of ISS

The news of the International Space Station:
Launchnews, Infos and, of course, news of amateur radio on ISS.


Some pictures of the International Space Station.

Tracking: Where is ISS

Um die Raumstation ISS am Himmel zu verfolgen, braucht man:
Ich habe auch ein kleines Programm geschrieben, daß die Daten von STSPLUS über mehrere Tage in einer Grafik darstellt. OR2VIS.EXE ist FREEEWARE, darf also kostenlos weitergegeben werden.

Seit dem 24.11.98 waren auf den ISS-Seiten bereits ISS-Counter Besucher.

since 1.6.2010
free counters
Hier kannst du mir was mitteilen: Torsten Fechner (dg7ro at darc . de)