Welcome to DF5KX!
Amateurfunk is international. Please refer to
to see this site in German...
Here are some infos about me and my Ststion ("RIG")
DF5KX (CEPT Class 1)
Bonn / Germany JO30OR
License test:
OPD (now RegTP) Cologne / Germany
OP Name
1983-12-09: CEPT Class 2 (DD9KM)
DOK History
G03, G52 - today G25
2002-04-19: CEPT Class 1 (DF5KX)
Additional Calls:
2002-07-10: CEPT Class 1 call for educational use (DN1KX)
2004-01-14: call for reception reports "short wave listener" (SWL CALL) (DE1KXX)
RIG 1 Home:
HF: Yaesu FT767 GX (HF/VHF/UHF)
HF Ant: R8, Windom Inverted V, Double Zepp
PA: Magnum ME800, Collins 30S-1
UHF/VHF Ant1: Collinear vertical X50
Keys: RFT EMT567 (Bug) and a mil key.
VHF/UHF/SHF: Collinear vertical X7000
HF: Yaesu FT 757 GX
HF Ant: Hustler Antenna Set, Double Zepp
V/UHF: Icom IC2350H
V/UHF Ant: Diamond SG7000, SG7900
My favorite modes are CW and SSTV. To me cw is something like an international language. Some nice SSTV pics
shall be online soon...
Now: If you wish to explore some more about me, click the icon below, and you'll be taken to my homepage at
Special Link: Please check this http://www.qsl.net/dk5ke/
as due to DK5KE, Ludwig in Großbüllesheim and his side containing useful hints and the cw training software
cwt 18.0 I finaly made it to class 1.
Anyway: Thanx for surfing by.. My HAM-Radio E-Mail Adress is [email protected]
Last Update: January, 16th, 2004
U R Visitor No since
04/23/02. And this Page is hosted by the ultimate HAM RADIO Server: