137 kHz SWL reports

Special Event on 10.Dec.2009 of weather forecast transmitter Pinneberg DDH47 on 147.3KHz in QRSS3, Pwr 20KW (my receiver MV62 with Miniwhip antenna).

21.Mar.09 - G3MFW in in QRSS3 -> IO70-JN49 QRB “914Km” !!!

on this weekend 21.+22.Mar. a lot of activity on 137.7KHz – hrd OE5ODL, G3XDV, PA3CPM, F4DTL, F6BWO

DK4U in Hell on 8.Feb.09, ~137.700KHz


a lot of activity in Jan.2009 on 137KHz:

M0BMU, DF6NM andF5WK in WSPR on 136.600KHz (dial 135.100) on 17.1.09:

·        171800  14  -2  2.3    58  0  DF6NM JN59 23        

·        171800  13 -14  0.1    77  0  F5WK JN18 37         

·        172400  14 -14  0.2    77  0  F5WK JN18 37         

·        173000  13 -15  0.0    77  0  F5WK JN18 37         

·        173600  14 -16  0.1    77  0  F5WK JN18 37         

·        174200  14 -16  0.1    77  0  F5WK JN18 37         

·        174800  12 -17  0.2     0  0  M0BMU IO91 23   

M0BMU and DF0WD in WSPR on 136.600KHz on 17.1.09:

·        094200   9  -9  0.9    11  0  DF0WD JO42 27        

·        095200  14 -17  0.6     0  0  M0BMU IO91 27        

·        095200  17  -7  1.0    11  0  DF0WD JO42 27        

·        100200  17 -12  1.0    11  0  DF0WD JO42 27        

M0BMU and DF6NM in WSPR on 136.600KHz on 11.1.09:

·        231800  12   3  2.1    70  0  DF6NM JN59 23        

·        232200   8 -22  1.1     0  0  M0BMU IO91 23         

·        232600  12   2  2.1    70  0  DF6NM JN 59 23        


DF6NM and RA3YO on 3.1.09 on ~137.778

DF6NM and RU6LA on 3.1.09 on ~136.320

RN3AGC on 4.1.09 around 137.778

F4DTL on 4.1.09 (best copy ever of Nicolas signal)

1st time copied OK1DTN on 137.700 on 30.11.08

            22.05.2008, F4DTL, QRSS60 on 137.776KHz, just 10m Vertical ant.!!!

            Test with DL1EIE, Arnim on 136.320KHz, JO31, 280W

16.Apr.2008 copied WD2XGJ in QRSS60, FN42hi – 5879Km! (details of this Experimental station under http://www.w4dex.com/wd2xgj.htm)

I tried often to receive WD2XGJ, but the QRM level and splatter from DCF39 are very big in my QTH. On the 15.Apr. I saw weak traces, where I thought it can be xgj. On the 16. 2:00-2:45am UTC the signal was a bit better and comparing my traces with the grabber of F1AFJ I’m sure it’s xgj. My first TA reception and i’m very happy to copy this beacon over such a big distance just with my light setup -> Yaesu FT-857, G0MRF 137KHz Preamp and PA0DRT MiniWhip Antenna, Software: Spectrum Lab from DL4YHF


            DK6NI, Gerhard calling CQ on 137.700, 24.02.08

4.Dec.07 - CT1DRP on 136.319KHz in DFCW30.

[With FT857 & Miniwhip I received just traces on the 3.Dec.. On 4.Dec. i used the G0MRF 136KHz Preamp between FT857 & Miniwhip and directly received Brian’s DFCW signal the whole evening]

DK7SU calling CQ on 137.7 kHz

G3XDV in QRSS30 on 136.320 kHz

IK5ZPV and DJ8WX around 136.320 kHz

PE1RRF on 136.320 in QRSS60

RA3YO sending RA in DCFW on 136.318 kHz

LF receiver in the internet ("Grabber") for example:

137KHz: http://members.aol.com/df6nm/Grabber.htm and http://jpmere.online.fr/Grabber/Grabber.htm