Receiption of SAQ on Sunday, 29.06.08 heard by DD7PC, JN49ax

VLF morse code signals from SAQ at Grimeton in southern Sweden. These special CW transmissions happen every few months.

SAQ was built between 1922 and 1924. The 200kW transmitter was, and still is, unusual as it consists of an AC generator (alternator). The antenna consists of six 127m high antenna towers placed at intervals of 380m with the 46m cross-arms carrying the eight copper antenna wires. On Dec 1st 1924 it first transmitted with the SAQ callsign on 16.1 kHz, but this was later changed to 17.2kHz on which frequency it operates occasionally today. Today the same station and antennas are preserved as a UNESCO World Heritage site some 80 years later.


SAQ signal was very loud on my receiver a Präcitronic MV-62 and a PA0DRT Miniwhip-Antenna.




here a short mp3 sound file of the CW signal from SAQ: saq_290608_dd7pc.mp3


and SAQ heard again on 24.Oct.08: saq_extra_transmission_24Oct08.mp3