Re-acivation of old 10GHz beacon DB0ZDF in JN49cx

From 01/04/2012 to 23/06/2012 ;QRT since Jan.2017

Guenter, DF4PV asked me in April 2012 if I have interest to renew with him the old 10GHz beacon DB0ZDF on the television building of ZDF in Mainz, JN49cx. Sure I had and so we start working on it in May 2012. Guenter bought the Waveguid antenna and cleaned the box and I changed the beacon keyer against a new one based on PIC controller. The new crystal is still on the way to us… Hope to get it soon so Guenter can install the beacon on his final location in J49cx. QRG will be about 10368865.0 +/- 20KHz


>>> Beacon now live in JN49cx with new QRG +/- 10368.878 MHz <<<



·         Ant.: omni



Here some pictures:

CIMG2379cleaned and with new label…


CIMG2378Oszillator will get a new crystal, rest (doppler, PA) unchanged!


CIMG2384 with the new PIC beacon keyer!


Beacon installed on his final position in JN49ax, QRG 10368.778MHz various a bit (+/-5KHz) depending on the outside temperature….

10 ghz db0zdf 3_kl