Here are some general educational resources.
American Radio History has collections of old radio trade magazines you can browse through.
Early Radio History has some detailed information.
Society for the Preservation of Antique Radio in Canada.
Hallicrafter's Virtual Museum.
Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club (MAARC).
We will add more links as we find them- watch this space!"
The following is a series of radio-related videos we hope you find informative and entertaining.
The Radio from Tim Hunkin
How Radio Waves Work from the Online Engineer
Here is an excellent series of training films from the Royal Canadian Air Force
Antenna Fundamentals 1 Propagation
Antenna Fundamentals 2 Directivity
Antenna Fundamentals 3 Bandwidth
Understanding Vacuum Tubes
Understanding Electromagnetic Waves
Understanding Modulation
How Does an Antenna Work?
Newcomers to ham radio, home schoolers and those of you interested in "maker spaces" should check out the Learning Circuit for the basics of electronics.
These physics animations are quite helpful as well...
Technology Connectionscan be a bit silly.
More radio history...crystal radios and tubes.
Once upon a time, children built things, shot bows and arrows, and played outside...
Nothing says, "get the kids into ham radio" like...Chet Atkins or Barry Goldwater(?)
And now- for something more up to date
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