Contest Hints by K1AR

The CWP - Sao Paulo CW Group is proud to present the Contest Hints by John Dorr, K1AR as published on his monthly column in the CQ Magazine.
A CQ Anthology 

In late 1992, I began the idea of publishing a monthly contest operating tip. Since it's inception, I've been asked many times to publish an anthology of these tidbits--whether it be for new readers or just as a handy contest operating tool. Well, I finally got around to gathering it all up this month. Maybe after reading the list, you'll be reminded of your own ideas to add to the pile. Feel free to e-mail your thoughts to me for a future monthly edition.
And now, on to the list:

November's 1992 Contest Tip

I am beginning this new feature with a surprising entry found in a passage from the Holy Bible in Luke 14:28-30: "For many of you desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it will mock him saying, "this man began to build and was not able to finish."

December's 1992 Contest Tip

If you don't think you can run stations at the beginning of the contest, spend 30 minutes prior to the opening gun logging multipliers. Ten or 20 memories loaded with multipliers' run frequencies can really help you get off to a fantastic start!

2000 Contest Hints

1999 Contest Hints

1998 Contest Hints

1997 Contest Hints

1996 Contest Hints

1995 Contest Hints

1994 Contest Hints

1993 Contest Hints