I built the whole system by myself,with the material that you can find in the island, witch is not much!


there is no road to my house , and i have to climb about 50 meters of stairs to bring anything.So the 4.7 meters antenna had to be transported by hand, with the help of some friends.The antenna divides in two parts,each one is more than 200kgs.

Unfortunatly, i have no picture of the transport,from the top of the island to the front of the house,but it was ....special.....




  ..........The day "D" :the antena is going up! .........................The steel wheels that will support the antenna................................ The arms.............................


  ....................The tower from upside................................................ Instalation sequence:a few hours of work!.......................... 10mm thick steel ......................


......Detail of the support to the mast.......................The wheels and rotation system.................................................Construction of the "hinge"..........................




.................Elevation motor, made with a windshield cleaner motor ............................The azimuth motor,the chain comes from an old crane,.................................... ....................................and a chain manual diferential................................................................each link is about 2,5 cm long.........................................................


Elevation encoder..slightly modified it afterwards,..........................Azimuth encoder:A small stainless steel cable .....................It is up and working!!.................... .........by fitting the shaft inside the tube ........................................ is used to link the mast to the encoder.......................................................................


.................View of the encoders and controller......................................................And inside view.....not the same camera, as you can see..............................