Field Day Setup

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I prepared a small mobile/pedestrian station to double as an field day setup or rapid deployable communication station.

Used it for the first time on 2003.



* Self contained radio amateur station
* HF capability: 40m, 17m, 12m and 10m bands
* VHF capability: Voice, and APRS (optional)
* UHF capability: (optional)
* ATV capability: (optional)
Capability of mobile operation and doubling as portable shack
Capability of pedestrian and mobile operation for field day or emergency use.

Contains/will contain:

HF radio, VHF/UHF radio
12V battery supply (85Ah) and Solar charger
Diverse power and signal cabling
Flexible VHF antenna
"Fishing pole" vertical antenna for HF
Dipole for HF/40M
Antenna tuner
Soldering Iron
Swiss army knife
Spare PL type plugs
Ham radio licence
Copy of operation manual for radios
Log book
Vertical support for the fishing pole antenna
Small medicine kit.

What failed:

The vertical antenna does not work good on 40m (needs more loading and more radial), so a dipole was built on site.
The dipole needs a slingshot or an 2 mast support in case there are no trees near.
The power cable from battery to HF radio is putting many power losses (too thin).
A table for the radios is needed in case I can not get to use the car seat as support.
Forgot to take the ham radio license (but it was not necessary)
Forgot (did not think forehand on this possibility) to take bug repellent (the place was infested by annoying little bugs)
The spare RG-58 cable was to short to make more experiments with antennas.

The photos on the first test.:

fd-vertical.JPG (247732 bytes)
The "shack" and the vertical fishing pole also supporting the dipole

fd-ct2gqv.JPG (308106 bytes)
Operating and testing setup

fd-shack.JPG (333977 bytes)
The TS-50 and TM-D700 inside the "Tupperware mobile" (yes I opened holes for cooling)

fd-aral-1.JPG (380571 bytes)
The "arm" rotator for the 2m an 70cm antennas of ARAL

fd-aral-2.JPG (454123 bytes)
The operating position of the ARAL team.

fd-aral-3.JPG (170843 bytes)
The dipole used by ARAL team.