Copyright ct1zr


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65 years at the service of radioamateurs
1962/1969-Angola "CR6IX"
   Hamsphere 3 and 4


Conquered prizes in Internet
- 1999, January- Top Ham sites of the Digital Academy of Websites, for the best in Internet
Brasil 98/99 . Arrived the pr�-selection, where they had left the 10 more for to final
It was guaranteed like this the use of the stamp of the Academy , "BEST"

- 1999, August- Prize "PC WEEK--The Nation's IT Newsweekly" : for the development in the field
of the Technology of Information. (Attributed for

- 1999, November-Top Ham sites TopBrasil - 6th place in the TOP10 in the category " Culture".

- 2000, February 1th place in Best of the Best" Ham (Amateur) Radio Sites.Accomplished
in it United States of Amé rich for w5www.

- 2000, May/Juny - 7th place Top Ham 100 Web Sites U.S.A.

- 2000, May - 38th place TopPortugal Ham 50 Web Sites

- 2000, Juny 27th place in the category "Lazer" Top Ham 35 Web Sites - Brasil

Site rewarded by BuscaKi. Click here to visit the server -May 2001 - -Site crowned by Buscaki "Prize for the best of Brazil and of the world"

Radioamateur,activity Awards Trophies
Trophies contests
63 Awards for radioamateur contests
Some of the many confirmations of contacts with countries, which are authentic relics, as they are rare to communicate.

This is a part of the 3.000 Qsl received regarding confirmations of contacts made with 330 countries.