CT2GKN, Pedro, with a Portuguese flag on IM59 in 1998

Hello. You are entered in the VUSHF page. The VUSHF Team is a group of the Aveiro University Ham Club, exclusively dedicated to work all the bands above 50 Mhz.

We start with some mountain expeditions to work Iberic contests in 144 Mhz, at 4 years ago.

Now, all the group members work on V/U/SHF, in diferent parts of Portugal. Usualy, we made a lot of DX´peditions around all Portugal, and some raids, to study the diferent conditions of work in VUSHF, form diferent spots ...

Since 1994 until now, we made lot´s od VUSHF Dx´expeditions, in Portugal and a lot of different places in Africa and in some Islands.


The members :


CT1DNF : Pedro, qrv from IN50qp, with a very nice setup for 50/144/432 Mhz, he works all the modes possibles in that frequencys. For more info, go to CT1DNF homepage

CT1DYX : Pedro, qrv from IN51, Oporto city, in north of Portugal. He is QRV on 50/144/432 Mhz. For skeds and more info,

CT1EKF : Xará, qrv from IN50, Oliveira de Azemeis city, in North of Portugal. A very powerfull station with 50/144/432 Mhz. He is also the ICOM dealer for Portugal.

Contact CT1EKF

CT1ETZ : Ruben, the Director of ARUA, he is QRV only in the VUSHF Team Expeditions.

CT1FAK : Yes, It´s me. I have allready write a lot about me, on other places of this web-page. My Grid Square is IN50qo ... Want skeds ? Please email-me ...

CT1FOH : Paulo, qrv from IN50/IM59 (he lives between montains in IN50, so he usualy go 5 Km from his QTH to a montain, in IM59) . He is QRV on 144/432 Mhz. Contact Paulo

CT2GKT : Luis, qrv from IM59, in 144 Mhz.

CT5GKN : Pedro, qrv from IM59, in 144 Mhz, CT5GKN homepage

GT2GKX : Tiago, qrv from IN50 (sometimes)

CT2GPW, and his Lisbon gang : Sena and his friends are QRV from IM58 and other squares


For the members where you don´t find any link or email, use the email on the end of this page if you need some VUSHF sked, or info.

And we have a list of friends and other Portuguese Hams wo cooperate with us several times in diferent ways ... to all of them, many thanks ...


 Para todos os CT´s que gostem de experiencias em V/U/SHF, o grupo está aberto a novas admissões, por isso, é importante gostar de experiências em V/U/SHF, assim como ter disponibilidade para participar no programa de expedições do grupo. Para os interessados, usar o email no fim desta página.



This pictures are from the VUSHF Team, in some day/night operations , in "Redinha", IM59rx ...


And the VUSHF HeadQuarters , on IN50tu ...


Yes, he have a little Antenna Farm, on 1050 meters ASL, at IN50tu, with all the conditions necessary for VUSHF DX´peditions, now equiped with 2 long yagis, pre-amplifier, digital modes (dx-cluster access) and lots of HF antennas. We have also 220V from a near Transformer, with good conditions for big PA´s.