My Station

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The Station CT1DNF (Shack) IC-550D for 6m. IC-735 for HF and IC-706 MKII. Drake receiver for ATV in 1.3 GHz. Full elevation Rotor G-5600. Bencher Key and homemade electronic keyer, with big buton...:)

IC-821H Amplifier 200W for VHF and 95W in UHF with GaAsFET pre-amplifiers.

Two long yagis design DL6WU 6m boom for 2m, and two long yagis design DL6WU 5m boom for UHF, all the system is full elevation. We can see the 6m dipole in the midle of antennas. I've a dipole with the FC-707 antenna tuner work on 24m, 17m, 15m and 10m(we can see one of the wires at the bottom)