The Radio Club of La Paz, CP1AA, is organising a contest
on Sunday 15th July,
from 08:00 t0 20:00 CP time (UTC 12:00 to 24:00)
on the 40-20-15-10 mtrs bands.
The name of the contest is "Oh linda La Paz!" (Oh beautiful La Paz!)
and the rules for DX stations are easy -
simply make a contact with one CP1 station in any one
of the given bands on the 15th of July to be eligible
for a special QSL card and diploma.
CP1AA, the club station will also be active during this period.
Stations sending their QSL cards to CP1AA to claim the
commemorative QSL card and diploma must send their QSL
cards before 31 Aug 2001 to the following address:
Radio Club La Paz - CP1AA
Casilla 2111
La Paz
Last update 2001/06/28
cp1aa webmaster