Welcome to Juan Carlos CO8TW WEB site. | Today is: |
My name is Juan Carlos, am ham since July 1992. I live in Santiago de Cuba city about 963 kilometer South East from Havana the capital of the Cuba.
I have used the callsings CL8TW since Sep/94 until Ago/95, CM8TW since Sep/95 until Feb/97 and CO8TW since Mar/97. I prefer be looking for DX stations, IOTA references and QSOs via satellite, just do it calling CQ in some favorite bands like 28.0 or 14.0 Mhz, in CW, SSB, FM, RTTY and PSK31. Also enjoy working some contest like CQWW, CQWPX, IOTA, ARRL, ARRL 10 Meter, ARRL 160 Meter, IARU Championship, etc.... At home I have some Awards: DXCC on CW # 8278, DXCC on phone # 40471, DXCC mixed # 45852, WAS on CW # 56275, WAS on phone, WAE on CW # 2149, ISS on voice (FM) # 72, The Galapagos Islands # 198, The Republic of Ecuador # 103, Roy Neal, K6DUE Commemorative Certificate, Israeli # 341, 4x4=16 # 1251, Arissat-1 for finding a Secret Word, Arissat-1 for decoding the Telemetry and Experiment data signal and Arissat-1 for receiving a Slow-Scan TV picture. Also others from contest such as 1996 ARRL CW , 2000 ARRL SSB as member of the T48RAC team, and 2003 ARRL CW .
In Cuba we are around 8500 hams (Mar/2014). In Santiago de Cuba province we are around 550 Hams (Jan/2013) and of them 425 are in Santiago de Cuba city.
There are 3 Ham's category:
CO - First -- All HF/VHF/UHF/SHF bands and all modes, 2Kw (SSB) and 1Kw (CW) in HF Bands.
CM - Second -- HF bands SSB/CW and 2 meter band FM, 500w in HF.
CL - Third --- Segments on 160, 80, 40 and 2 Meters SSB, CW and FM.
The prefix CL9, CM9 and CO9 belong to Radio Clubs or Hams authorized to operate from a Radio Club. T4, CO0, CM0 and CL0 are especial prefix to be used from an IOTA Reference, contest team, special event, etc ...
The country has 7 IOTA Reference, Those are:
And before finish I would like you see ...
Main Island "Cuba"-NA015
Archipelago "Camagüey" - NA086
Archipelago "Jardines de la Reina" - NA201
Archipelago "Los Canarreos" - NA056
Archipelago "Los Colorados" - NA093
Archipelago "Sabana" - NA204
Las Tunas/Holguín/Santiago de Cuba province group - NA218
Photo outside of CO9NKA Radio Club.
Photos of T48Z multi national contest team.
Photos working an ARRL Contests as T48RAC.
A team of hams at 1974 meters above sea level.
VHF expedition at 400 meter above sea level.
VE3WGW and CO8TW in Santiago de Cuba city.
HB9ACD and CO8TW in Santiago de Cuba city.
The Station at Home. My QSL card. Audio, video and image of QSO's. Amount of QSO's, IOTA, Confirmed and Worked Countries.
DXCC, Prefix List, Antennas, Grounding...
Map of locator for Cuba. Some links to others WWW page.
Propagation page. Grid Locator Googlemaps News about hams. DX Cluster Page at http://www.dxsummit.fi/ DX Cluster Page at http://dxcluster.ham-radio.ch/ Ham Satellite.Search your call in my Log https://secure.clublog.org/logsearch/CO8TW
You can write via:
Cell Phone: +53-54524956 (Also whatsapp)
Telegram: https://t.me/co8tw or @co8tw
Telegram: http://twitter.com/JC_CO8TW or @co8tw
Post mail: Apartado Postal 8,
Santiago de Cuba, CP 90100, Cuba. e-mail : CO8TW e-mail address |
DX = E = M x C²
Born to be a DXer.
Life is to short for QRP.
Say not to eQSL and
awards sent via email.
Thanks for your visit and come back again soon.
Copyright © 2000 -
This page was designed and created by Juan Carlos CO8TW.