Sponsors |
We would like to thank the
following sponsors for their financial support and assistance.
The American Radio Relay League, Inc. has recognized the Clipperton 2000 DXpedition with the Colvin Award. This prestigious award was funded by Lloyd D. Colvin, W6KG (SK). This award is conferred in the form of a grant in support of Amateur Radio projects that promote of international goodwill in the field of DX. The Clipperton 2000 team is grateful to the ARRL for this award. |
ICOM America
Check out the new IC-756PRO
to be used on this DXpedition
Mile High DX Association
W0CD, W8UVZ, and K8GG - Battle Creek Special
National Wire
& Cable Corporation - Sandy Evangelista K6HAE
RadioDan - Dan Margo W7RF
Henry Radio
Monte and Marylou Chambers KO6XI, KE6KSS
Peter Meyer N0FW
Robert G. Leo W7LR
Shoichiro Nakagami JE6KYA
John T. Langdon
Zorro Miyazawa JH1AJT
by Joseph Ahlgren
Alfred Cammarata W3AWU
Larry and Judy Kopriva KN6VF
Cypress Lock & Key - Mike Guest KO6WQ
Harris-Intersil Amateur Radio Club - Allen W. Moore, W3QO
"The DX Edge" - Xantek, Inc., P O Box 834, Madison Square Station, New York, NY
Lars Sostrand LA5CBA
Richard V Martin, AC6SZ
Wayne Tom, W6WAT
Ray Balch, K6VX
J. Cymerman Craig, KN6TN
Heartland DX Association
Mayflower Amateur Radio Club, W1LM
CT by K1EA
Hoosier Contesters "HICKS"
Steve Williams
Gary Andry, W6GA
William Tigges, K7WT
Visitors VERON Dag van de Amateur 1999
Ghis Penny, ON5NT
Rik Van Kets, ON4IZ
South West Ohio DX Association (thanks Mike Goode)
Keiji Furuki W6/JE6JYT
This page designed and maintained
by N6RT
Last updated on April 20, 2000