QSL Information |
QSLs for this operation should be sent to:
John Kennon N7CQQ
P. O. Box 31553
Laughlin, Nevada 89028
Several sources indicate the zip code is 89029, but the correct zip code for the P O Box is 89028. Note that your mail will get there with either zip code.
If you want to receive DIRECT QSLs, please make sure that you enclose a SASE (self addressed, stamped, envelope) or a SAE (self addressed envelope) with enough IRCs or greenstamps to cover the return postage to your QTH for the number of QSLs being requested. Cards which are received with insufficient return postage will be replied to via the bureau.
Cards which are received via the bureau will be replied to via the bureau. There will be a delay on bureau QSLs since all direct requests will be processed first.
DONATIONS ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. The cost of this DXpedition is very high. In addition to the gracious contributions from our supporters, each operator has paid a substantial amount of money up front to participate in this DXpedition. We are very grateful for any additional donations received from amateurs all around the world.
Checks and money orders should be made out to N7CQQ ARC, Inc. Cash is also acceptable.
Donations may also be deposited directly to:
N7CQQ Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
Account number 4961527327 at Bank of America
We will release a bulletin after the DXpedition
announcing when QSLs are starting to be mailed.
This page designed and maintained
by N6RT
Last updated on March 18, 2000