QSLs and Stories from Previous DXpeditions |
Below are pictures of QSLs, some magazine articles, and some stories about previous Clipperton Island DXpeditions.
If you have a QSL we missed, please let us know!
Here is the QSL card from the FO8AJ DXpedition in 1954. They made 1108 contacts in the 18 hours that they were there. The landing was extremely difficult. W0NWX later became president of ARRL and later became W0DX. Of note is the equipment used at that time. It was all Hallicrafters including two SX-88 receivers, two HT-20 transmitters and an HT-18 VFO.
Thanks to K6BD for this information.
In 1955, Danny Weil started from England with the overall goal of being the first Englishman to sail single-handedly around the globe, occasionally using the unauthorized call sign G7DW/MM. At Virgin Island he become aquainted with Dick Spenceley, KV4AA, who helped him to get his amateur radio call sign - VP2VB - and Danny took a rig along on the voyage.
Over the next eight years he stopped at many out of the way DX locations, set up his amateur radio station, and gave everyone interested a contact with a rare country. Danny gave out thousands of DX contacts from some 30 different DXCC countries around the world. His vessel, S/Y YASME, was lost three times over that period.
Thanks to the Golden Days of DXing web site for this information.
In March 1978, a mostly French team using callsigns in the FO0XA-FO0XH range made 29,000 contacts, helping to usher in the era of multi-operator, multi-thousand-dollar DXpeditions. At that time, Clipperton Island was #1 on almost every "countries wanted" list published!
Here is one of the first day Clipperton cover envelopes which was cancelled on the island March 21, 1978. Thanks to VE1AOE for providing the image.
Click here to read a 1986 QST article about the FO0XX DXpedition
Click here to read a
1992 CQ Magazine article written about Clipperton
before the FO0CI DXpedition
Click here to read the 1992 FO0CI DXpedition writeup by operator N9NS
Click here to read the 1992 FO0CI DXpedition writeup by operator W2IJ (ex-WA2FIJ)
This page designed and maintained
by N6RT
Last updated on March 1, 2000