The Operators |
Below is some background information about the Clipperton Island DXpeditioners.
EA3NY - Eddie Stark
I am 33 years old and live with my girlfriend Monica in an apartment close to Barcelona (the most beautiful place in the world). My second surname is Chatellier, which is French. I am the owner of BitRadio, a ham radio store in Barcelona. I am happy to take the place of Vincent G0LMX on this DXpedition who was unable to go because of work commitments.
My grandpa was a telecomunications technician with AT&T and helped to install telephones in Spain (he was a friend of Mr. Bell). I never knew my grandpa, but I suppose I am in of radio because it was in his blood and was passed on to me.
I enjoy SSB and RTTY. I have used the
following calls: S07NY, S0RASD, EA3MM, EA9IE, EA9URP, EA8ZS, EA6URP, FG5BG, FS5PL,
F0/EA3NY, and C31LD.
On my walls, you will find many plaques and awards:
1999 ARRL DX SSB Single op / All bands - #5 World Low Power FG5BG
1999 CQ WPX SSB Single op / All bands - #5 WORLD EA8ZS
1998 CQ WPX SSB Single op / All bands - #4 WORLD EA8ZS
1998 CQ WW RTTY Winner WORLD Single OP / All Bands RTTY FG5BG
1997 CQ WW RTTY Winner NORTH AMERICA Single OP / All bands RTTY FS5PL (#3 World)
1997 ARRL DX Winner NORTH AMERICA Single OP / All bands SBB FS5PL (#2 world)
1995 CQ WPX Winner WORLD Single OP / All Band H.P. SSB EA9AM
1994 ARRL DX Winner EUROPE Single OP / All bands SSB EA3NY
1992 ARRL DX Winner WORLD Single OP / All bands / Assisted EA3NY
1992 CQ WW RTTY Winner EUROPE Single OP / All bands RTTY EA3NY
I have also been on several IOTA DXpeditions for the IOTA contest to a French Island
(Noirmoutier), and to S07NY (CQ WPX SSB), and S0RASD (2nd DX pedition to S0).
HB9AHL - Willy R�sch
Licensed since the age of 17, Willy is a CW and phone op, DXer (Top of Honor Roll, 5BWAZ, 5BWAS, 5BDXCC, 160m DXCC) and experienced DXpeditioner. He was previously active as SV1DB/A (Mt. Athos, 1973), TI9FAG (Cocos, 1975), FO0XC (Clipperton, 1978), 3Y5X (Bouvet, 1989/90), N0AFW/KH5 (Palmyra, 1993), N9NS (Kingman Reef, 1993), 3Y0PI (Peter I, 1994), ZD8D (Ascencion, 1994), VP8BZL (Falklands, 1994), LU1ZA (Antarctica - Paradise Bay, 1994), 4K1F (Antarctica - Bellingshausen, 1994), VK0IR (Heard, 1997) and 3B7RF (St. Brandon, 1998). He operated from the vessels JXEQ (Aurora), UTSU (Captain Klebnikov), UQYC (Akademik Fedorov) and FNIN (Marion Dufresne), from military/commercial stations HBM46, HBK75, HB4FF and from the gasbaloon HB9AQM/AM (HB-BON).Willy is a doctor of science technology and works as a forest director for the Swiss government.
JK7TKE - Koji Fukui
Age 34. I was first licensed in elementary school in 1977 as JJ1QXG in Tokyo.My recent operations include:
7J1YAM (Aug.'98) Ogasawara Islands (See the
1999 April QST magazine on page 28)
JK7TKE/JD1 (Aug..- Sep. '98) Ogasawara Islands
KH0/JJ1QXG (Dec.'98,Feb.'99) Northern Mariana Islands
H44OO (Apr.'99) Guadalcanal Island
H40OO (Apr.'99) Pigeon Island. , Temotu Province. 1st 6m operation.
K4UEE - Bob Allphin
Bob Allphin, K4UEE has been licensed since 1958 (age 13) and began DXing and Contesting very early. Bob's father was stationed on Okinawa for two years and Bob got his first taste of being on the DX-end of the pileups as KR6LY (1960-1962). Beginning in the late 70's, Bob began Dx-peditioning in earnest. Since then he has visited 54 DXCC countries and operated from 26 countries. He has been a participant in 3 "DX-peditions of the Year " which include AH1A, XR0Y and VK0IR.Bob is also an avid contester and has set the following Single band/Single operator World Records in the CQWW contests 80m CW, 75m Phone, 15m CW, 15m Phone, and 10m Phone. He won the ARRL DX (CW) contest in 1995 (AB/HP/Single op) and second place in CQ-WPX (Phone) contest the same year. Bob was a participant in the 1996 WRTC and along with his partner N6IG, and finished 5th (53 teams). You may have worked Bob as VP2KAE, ZF2FX, VP2V/K4UEE, J87UEE, J87J, VP5FX, J34UEE, C6A/K4UEE, P40R,3A/K4UEE, T30EE, ZP5/K4UEE, TA1/K4UEE, VR2/K4UEE, KH6/K4UEE, HS1/K4UEE,TI5/K4UEE, VP2KC, VP5KMX, XF4DX, VP2V/N9GL, PJ9W, AH1A, ZP0Y, XR0Y, CE0Z, TO0R, TO0R/mm, VK0IR.
Bob has recently retired and is excited about the opportunities for many more contests and DX-peditions in the future.
I got back into ham radio in 1983 via the internet and Ted Park, K6XN, the patent attorney at Schlumberger Palo Alto Research Lab. I upgraded to Advanced in in 1995 so I could operate in the UK on my periodic trips, usually with an HT. I did a very small amount of HF operating, including a trip to VP5 in '96 where I didn't get the license until we were leaving the country.
In 1998, I signed up for a cruise to Bermuda on ROSE, a replica of a RN frigate, circa 1770, as part of my interest in Patrick O'Brian and participation in the internet mailing list about him and his works. I got a VP9 call for that, but only used it to send email. I though it would be fun to use ham radio and the Winlink stations to email reports of our trip back to the mailing list. It turned out, due to the weather, we ended up in Norfolk instead of Savannah, so we got to change everyone's travel plans for the trip by email, also.
Since I had all the pieces, and an old friend of mine, now K7RFM, had been doing some RTTY 'testing, I'd try it too. I found my niche!!!
I've been doing RTTY contesting, and DXing, for about 18 months now, and have 92 confirmed out of 106 worked. I did a little RTTY DXpedition to the Isle of Man last May and made 700 QSO's under my own call and 200 on the IOM Amateur Radio Society's call in 5 days, and got some sight-seeing done and had some nice meals.
I also did some AO-27 operating from the replica of Captain Cook's ship ENDEAVOUR last June. I'll be operating from a UK special events station at Lake Windermere in May this year, as part of the Arthur Ransome Society AGM.
I currently hold N6TQS, M0BPI and VK4BPI.
I'm a retired (in 1993) engineer, read lots of science fiction and many other books, have an interest in maritime history and like to travel. I've been married since 1995 and my partner is getting a doctorate in Public Health at UC.
First licensed in 1970 as WA6CZA. First expedition was in 1992 to Clipperton Island, FO0CI as a helper, not a DXer. Got the bug and was a dedicated WARC band operator at Clipperton.
Operated from Bora Bora, French Polynesia as FO0KEO in 1997 with N6RT, W6KK, W6RW, N6VO, and others for 1997 CQWW Phone contest.
Went to Costa Rica in May 1998 for a month long vacation and was active as TI5/N7CQQ.
I'm now retired and working full time building my station in Laughlin, Nevada. I currently have three towers, 100' (2 element KLM 40 Meter and 4 element home brew 20 meter), 80' (6 element 10 meter beam), LM-470 (TH-7 and A3WS). I enjoy chasing DX and getting ready for Clipperton (shopping).
N9NS - Mike Goode
QTH: Indianapolis, Indiana
Likes: Contesting and DX !!
First licensed when a senior in high school in 1966 as WA9RJI. I got my Extra Class ticket
in 1969 and the N9NS call about 1977. I became interested in DXing in the early 70's when
I joined the local DX/contest club. I got serious about it in 1973 when I bought for $10
an old broken 2-element quad and put it up on a 64 ft. tower. I made top of the Honor Roll
in 1988 and sold the quad to K8JP/Joe Palooka for $20!
My current station has a Kenwood TS-870 hooked to a Ten-Tec Titan amp. Outside I now have
a home brew 2-element 5 band quad on the 64 foot tower. Nearby is a 72 foot tower with a
2-element 40 and home brew 2-element 30 meter beams, and a 5-element 6 meter beam. Also at
my house is the KJ9D Packetcluster (c) node and I have been active in setting up the
cluster network around the Midwest.
I enjoy traveling but didn't get into DXpeditions until 1992 when I joined the Clipperton
Island FO0CI trip. Since then I have been on:
1993 Kingman Reef/Palmyra Island N9NS/KH5K/N0AFW/KH5
1994 Namibia, CQWW-Phone contest V59T
1996 Grenada, CQWW-Phone contest J37A
1996 Cayman Isl. CQWW-CW ZF2RF
1997 Kure and Midway Atolls K7K & K4M
1998 Grenada, ARRL DX-Phone contest J37G
1998 Bahamas, IOTA contest C6IOTA
Other calls held: V5/N9NS, J3/N9NS, ZF2NS, OK8NSA.
I have a BS degree in Electrical Engineering Technology and work as the transmitter
engineer at a local TV station, dealing with everything from DC to fiberoptics. Besides
Ham Radio I also am very interested in Geology/rock collecting and have BA degree in
N9TK - Jim Mornar
I was born and raised in southwest Chicago suburbs. I work as an engineer for Peterson Electro-Musical Products, where we supply control systems to builders of Pipe Organs (noisy things you hear on Sundays at places with different kinds of towers).I was, like many, first licensed in my youth. I was a novice in 1969 at the age of 14. I upgraded to General the first year and dabbled a little in dxing and cw, but other interests in high school lured me away. I re-entered the hobby in 1995 and have been severely bitten by the dxing/contesting bug. I have been active at W0AIH in Eau Claire, WI for several contests. I had the opportunity to participate from WP2Z last year for CQWW SSB contest. What a blast being on the large end of a pile-up!
My preferences are CW, but enjoy SSB contesting and RTTY as well. I am a member of NIDXA, NCDXF, and the Metro DX Club.
So here I am, thrilled and thankful for the opportunity to learn from a group of such experienced veterans. A certain phrase comes to mind... " Are we there yet?"
N0TT - Charlie Hansen
I am retired from AT&T since 1990 and I am currently "working" as a QSL card printer. I have been a contester since I was first licensed in 1958 and I now operate primarily on 160 meters CW. I have been fortunate enough to win many contests, and actually made the "Who's who on topband" list. I have been on a few DX-peditions. Northern Canada (VE8) for ARRL Sweepstakes, Northern Quebec (VE2, CQ Zone 2), and most recently the warm climate of VK9LX.I enjoy building equipment in my spare time to support my contesting habit and I have been operating as a QRP station on Topband, where I managed to work WAS and several countries on each of two contest weekends (thanks to the stations who could actually copy my 5 watts!!).
ON4WW - Mark Demeuleneere
Age 36. Married to Katrien, with son Mark Jr.Currently working in Liberia, with the UNHCR as Sr. Telecoms Operator.
Radio crazy since the age of 10. Licensed in 1988. Participates in local and worldwide contests, with first places, and often top three. Operated several times from the Belgian multi-multi station OT*A, and after that from ON4UN's station as single-op or multi-op with OT*T.
Operates mainly CW-SSB, loves fast and huge pile-ups on the higher bands, but also finds great pleasure in digging those weak signals out on the low bands. Some RTTY and SSTV.
Operated from abroad as 4U1ITU - 9X4WW - S07WW - 5T5WW - EL2WW.
On the air waves, I am often confused with Peter ON6TT, my brother in crime, which I take as a compliment.
VE5RA - Doug Renwick
Licensed in 1970. Started contesting in the 1971 ARRL CW with a straight key. Worked TJ1AW and EL2CB through the pileup with a Viking Valiant. That was the beginning of many contesting years. Honor roll, first VE5 5BDXCC and 160M DXCC. I work for a mining company in northern Saskatchewan.Goal - To set a world record for the fastest time to run the periphery of Clipperton.
Saying - I'll run the race,
And I will
never be the same again.
1980 Winner; Bermuda Contest
1983 VP2MRA; NA record WPX SSB SO
1984 3D2DX
1986 ZF1MM; ZF1MM/ZF8; ZF1MM/ZF9
1987 8P6B; Third place world ARRL SSB SO
1991 VP2V/VE5RA; Third place world ARRL SSB SO
1992 V2/VE5RA
J7D; Third place world ARRL SSB SO
1993 N9NS/KH5K Kingman Reef
1997 VK9WM Willis Island
Other calls - 8P9HG, J77DX, VP9/VE5RA, KH6/VE5RA, KP2/VE5RA, VK9WW, VY0AA.
9V1YC - James Brooks
DXCC, ARRL Member, Professional video producer.
First licensed in 1978.
Age 32. DXer & Contester. BSEE 1988, Univ. of Texas at Austin.
Owns a small production and design company producing television documentaries,
commercials, corporate-videos and animation.
ZL9CI 1999
9V8YC 1998
H44YC 1998
VK9YC 1998
H40AA 1998
VK0IR 1997
TO0R 1997
FR/AD1AD 1997
VS6WO 1997 (WW CW M/S '97, WW SSB M/S '96, WW SSB M/S '95, WPX CW S/O '95, WPX
SSB M/M '94, WW CW M/M '93)
VR2GO 1994 (WW CW SO/40m)
VR2/KB1CM 1994
S61YC 1994
9V1ARU 1994 (IARU M/S)
XU0AA 1989
9V0YC 1989
VS6/KB1CM 1989
VU2ZAB 1987
ZK1XM 1986 (South Cook)
KH8/KB1CM 1986
5W1FR 1986 (WPX CW M/S)
ZS/KB1CM 1984
G0/KB1CM 1983 (WPX CW SO/AB)
4X/KB1CM 1983
G5EBC 1980
This page designed and maintained
by N6RT
Last updated on February 6, 2000