N7CQQ Amateur Radio Club, Inc., sponsor of the Clipperton2000 DXpedition, is very happy to introduce additional members of our Clipperton2000 team
Charlie Hansen - N0TT, Doug Faunt - N6TQS, and Eddie Stark - EA3NY.
They join our other operators Mike Goode - N9NS, James Brooks - 9V1YC, Jim Mornar - N9TK, Mark Demeuleneere - ON4WW, Koji Fukui - JK7TKE, Willy Ruech - HB9AHL, Doug Renwink - VE5RA, Bob Allphin - K4UEE, and the host John Kennon - N7CQQ. Non traveling team members include Doug - N6RT, Jay - W2IJ,Alex - PA1AW, and Charlie - W6KK.
The final member joining the Clipperton2000 team is Eddie Stark, EA3NY. Eddie is a fine contest and DX operator with many contest wins and plaques.
Eddie is French/Spanish and lives in Barcelona, Spain. He is sponsored by the Clipperton DX Club (France) and URE (Spain) who are providing funds to the DXpedition. One of Eddie's dreams is to operate from Aves, Clipperton, and Heard islands. One of his dreams is coming true.
Your many wishes, encouragement, and excitement on the web page have been read and re-read. We will do our best to make this Clipperton DXpedition a memorable one.
Additional information on the DXpedition can be found at http//
QSL's to N7CQQ, P. O. Box 31553, Laughlin, Nevada, USA, 89029
Our team is finalized, the permit and license is in hand. The only remaining task is to assemble the team in San Diego, load the Shogun, and depart on our voyage to Clipperton.
Thank you,
John Kennon, N7CQQ