N7CQQ Amateur Radio Club, Inc. sponsor of the Clipperton2000 expedition is very happy to announce that ICOM America is sponsoring the expedition to Clipperton Island. ICOM America will provide the new IC-756PRO for the Clipperton team members to use while on the expedition. Our thanks goes out to Mr. Ray Novak, National Sales Manager for ICOM America.
Clipperton2000 is scheduled to depart San Diego, California USA on 23 February 2000. The team should be ready to operate on 1 March 2000 from Clipperton Island. We plan to have four (4) HF stations, one (1) 6 Meter station and one (1) satellite station. We also plan to operate RTTY and the WARC bands from Clipperton. The DXpedition will shutdown late on 8 March 2000 and depart Clipperton on 9 March.
Additional information on the expedition can be found at
Additional information about ICOM IC-756PRO can be found at
John Kennon, N7CQQ
P. O. Box 81
Searchlight, Nevada 89046-0081