Operating Frequencies and Propagation |
This page contains our planned operating frequencies and other helpful propagation information.
Propagation Predictions
160m 80m 40m 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m
Planned Operating Frequencies
CW |
6 |
50115 | 50115 | - |
10 |
28475 |
28025 |
28080 |
12 |
24945 |
24895 |
- |
15 |
21295 |
21025 |
21080 |
17 |
18145 |
18075 |
- |
20 |
14195 |
14025 |
14080 |
30 |
- |
10105 |
- |
40 |
7065 |
7005 |
- |
80 |
3799 |
*3505 |
- |
160 |
- |
1828.5 |
- |
* 3501 will be used when 40m CW is active to minimize
harmonic interference.
Clipperton Island
Sunrise and Sunset Times
Date |
Sunrise | Sunset |
February 26, 2000 | 1336Z |
0123Z |
March 15, 2000 | 1327Z |
0124Z |
Sunrise Greyline Map
Sunset Greyline Map
Great Circle Map
as seen from Clipperton Island
This page designed and maintained
by N6RT
Last updated on March 7, 2000