C 31 TLT 

E.M.E.-Expedition U.R.A. - U.R.E. - A.R.I.

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Catalan Translation

    Hello EME Fans,  after our last EME Expedition to Ceuta on 1995,   we  started getting organized to  active  another Country, it could be 3A2, TK or C3, and our choise was for Andorra. We started organizing our expedition, therefore EA3BB got their first contacts with Joan C31US  URA's president. At the end of 2000, EA3BB and EA3DXU started  planning the E.M.E. expedition with URA Association and at end of April  we got  the Call C31TLT (Terra Luna Terra )  Earth Moon Earth in Catalan Language.
On 11th August  we arrived in Andorra Country and we  started the  installation, on 12th August evening we had our antennas On AIR and at 00.00z of 13th. August we were able to work via the MOON.
During 5 days  we completed 112 QSO and 110 initial, 25 Country, 4 Continents, 83 Stations  worked on random and only 29 on sked. The station was mounted in the middle of a big forest at 2140 slm, grid JN02SK, we haven't noise, was wonderfull, very easy to copy every station calling us on sked or random, our limit was to run only 800 Watts, this frustated some skeds, but our portable generator 4 KVA limited a little the output of our PA (2*4cx250b), Antennas were 4*24 EL. 5wl home made.
Summer storms caused some serious problems, on 15 th. August we loss two hours due to the rain and the 16 th. about six hours due to QRN and lightnings and we lost some skeds. All C31TLT Members are very happy with the Expedition result, due also to a Great Ham Spirit of our friends coming from EA1 Region.
Mni tnx to Lionel VE7BQH for his support and to all which visited our during our  stay in Andorra.


Locator JN02SK , 2140 Aslm.


Rig: Ant. 4x24 el 5WL -  PA 2x 4cx250B - 800 W.