Kingdom of Bhutan DXpedition 2000

 26 April 2000

By the time you read this most of the team will have arrived in Bangkok.    Bhutan visas and a callsign have been issued.   All but one operator will be in Bhutan on May 2.  Operation will be from May 3 to 12.

Operators:  James 9V1YC, Yuu JA3IG, Mac JA3USA, Jin JF1IST, Al K3VN, Bob K4UEE, Vince K5VT, Mark NØMJ, Don N1DG, Jari OH2BU, Mark ON4WW, Harry RA3AUU, Andy UA3AB, Glenn WØGJ, & Wes W3WL

800 kg of equipment (radios, antennas, masts, coax, etc) has been air freighted into Bhutan.   The maximum power permitted in Bhutan is 120 watts.   We will make up for the power limitation with good antennas and a good unobstructed location.    Operation will take place at the Pine Wood Hotel above Thimphu, with a terrific shot to Europe and both short/long paths to North America.  This can be seen on the website.

Our website has been moved to:   The website has details of the operation, Bhutan, operator profiles, and links to sponsors.  There will be daily uploads for checking the logs.   Daily pictures will be posted on the website.

With rising solar fluxes predicted for the next two weeks, we should have 24 hours of propagation to EU, AS, AF, VK/ZL.  Propagation to NA/SA will have priority when there are openings, as those will be the toughest paths   Seven stations will be operational, so all bands and all modes to all continents will be worked on an even basis.

We hope to keep the pileup spread to a minimum.  We would like to not work by call areas, but if needed, the order for NA will be 1-2-3-4-8-9-Ø-5-7-6.    EU & AS will be Ø-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9

Pilots:  Klaus DL1XX ([email protected]), Toshi JA1ELY ([email protected]), Doug N1IUN ([email protected]), and Garry NI6T ([email protected]).

Please note some minor frequency changes from those previously posted.  Our website will have the latest daily operation plans and frequencies.

Frequencies:         CW                    SSB                  RTTY

        160M              1826.5    

          80M            3501                3795

          40M              7004              7057

          30M          10104 (& 10124)

          20M          14024               14195             14080

          17M          18074               18145  

          15M          21024               21295             21080

          12M          24894               24945

          10M          28024               28475             28080

QSL:     Glenn Johnson, WØGJ                          QSL’s will be available at Dayton!

                14164 Irvine

                Bemidji, MN 56601 USA

It is still not too late to contribute financially.   Financial support for the Bhutan DXpedition may be sent to the QSL address.    Logistics and visa fees have made this an expensive operation for the #2 Most Wanted country.

The team would like to acknowledge the support of NCDXF, INDEXA, ICOM America, Heil Sound, Timewave Technology, Cushcraft, WXØB, Titanex, Force12, Texas Towers, K1EA, WF1B & K6STI.   Many large and small clubs and many individuals have already contributed.   The team would also like to express gratitude to Jim Smith, VK9NS, and Yasuo Miyazawa, JH1AJT, for the initial groundwork in making this DXpedition possible.    Our deepest gratitude goes to the Ministry of Communications and Tourism Authority of Bhutan for helping us organize this DXpedition just weeks after new regulations authorized amateur radio in the Kingdom of Bhutan.

Next week:  A status report and pictures as we go QRV.


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Last updated 1 May 2000