#2 Most Wanted is QRV  May 1-12, 2000



The Kingdom of Bhutan has completed the long awaited Telecommunications Act of 2000 which authorizes amateur radio.    An international team has been invited by the Ministry of Communications for the initial introduction of amateur radio in Bhutan, May 1-12, 2000.


The goal will be to give as many DXers as possible, the opportunity for this #2 most wanted country.  Initial emphasis will be on the primary bands.   The team will be operating from two hotels, with stable power lines, in a politically stable and safe country, without the danger of a Tsunami or a hurricane to put them off of the air.   So-called insurance contacts will not be necessary because of the daily upload to the log server, where one can check the logs. 


With many DXpeditions, the “little pistol” has been somewhat ignored, but everyone will have a chance at this most rare country.  It is the peak of Cycle 23,  and the team will take advantage of it to give everyone a chance.   All bands and modes will be active, but after the initial demand has been met, more emphasis will be placed on the low bands.  RTTY and WARC bands will be emphasized from the beginning.   Later in the operation, there will be simplex operation on the higher bands for those without dual VFO capabilities.  Three CW, three SSB and one RTTY station will be active around the clock.


Operators include:

            9V1YC – James Brooks

JA3IG – Yuu Yoshitani

JA3USA – Mac Shimamoto

JF1IST – Jin Fujiwara

K3VN – Al Hernandez

K4UEE – Bob Allphin

            NØMJ – Mark Johnson

            N1DG – Don Greenbaum

            OH2BU – Jari Jussila

            ON4WW – Mark Demeuleneere

            RA3AUU – Harry Booklan

            UA3AB – Andy Chesnokov

WØGJ – Glenn Johnson

            W3WL – Wes Lamboley


Six of the operators are veterans of the Heard Island VKØIR operation, three operators just returned from Clipperton Island (FOØAAA), and all have extensive DXpeditioning and/or contesting experience.


Generous financial and logistical support has come from Northern California DX Foundation, INDEXA, Cushcraft, Timewave Technology, Texas Towers and W4MPY QSL’s.