Scheduled Forums

Antenna and Propagation Forum:

James Pike, KB6WHT - "J-pole Antennas"

Tom Schiller, N6BT - Force 12 Antennas - "The Practical Side of Antennas"

Ed Hare, W1RFI - "Antennas, Feedlines, Grounds, SWR and Other Mythical Creatures"

Contesting/DX Forum

Carl Gardenias, WU6D - "DX for Everyone"

Fred (K6FZY) and Jon (K6FZZ) Montgomery - " Roving and VHF/UHF Contesting"

Low-Power (QRP) Operating Forum:

Ed Hare, W1RFI

Chuck Adams, K7QO

Doug Hendricks, KI6DS

Jim Duffey, KK6MC ("Dr. Megacycle")

Wayne Burdick, N6KR - Elecraft Corporation

Eric Schwartz, WA6HHQ - Elecraft Corporation

Barry Geipel, AD6HR, Lake Perris QRP Society

Vern Wright, W6MMA, Super Antennas, Inc

VHF/UHF+ Forum:

Joe Moell, K0OV - "Transmitter Hunting in 2001; More Fun than Ever"

Mike Collis, WA6SVT - "So you are Interested in Amateur Television" & "Advancing the ATV Art" - Visit the ATN website.

Marvin Johnston, KE6HTS - "RDF Antenna Workshop"

Public Service Forum:

Ted Schultz, N6RPG - "Working Together When Disaster Strikes" - Ted, the Section Emergency Coordinator for the ARRL's Orange Section, will lead a panel discussion of leaders from various emergency communications groups and public service groups. The discussion will focus upon how these groups will be activated during a major disaster (an earthquake, for example) and how they will work together during such an activation. After the discussion and a "question and answer period with audience participation, the panel members and the members of the audience will have an opportunity to "network" with each other, discussing and sharing such things as mutual aid agreements, upcoming training events and related information, net times and frequencies (in order to help ensure smoother operations during simultaneous activations) and group contact information.

Bruce Nolte, N1BN & John McCracken, N0LQ - "Using a High-level Repeater for CHP Traffic"

John Minger, AC6VV - "Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run"

April Moell, WA6OPS - "Why Some Hospitals (and other agencies) Don't Want Hams ... and what to do about it"

Ray Grimes, W6RYS - "Introducing New Amateur Radio Communications Tools for Public Safety Disaster Support"

Karl Cox, KE6CEL - "The Auxiliary Communications Service of the City of Rancho Cucamonga" - A description of the ARES and RACES Unit of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and their interaction with the Public Safety Agencies provided by the City and the Operational Area of San Bernardino County.

John Davis, WB6ASH Eileen Clark, KG6BXA - "Aid to Athletic Events and Other Emergency Preparedness Communications " - Go to the area where the communications are needed. It does not come to you. What is being done and why. Techniques to enhance the service.

Howard Burkhart - "Disaster Preparedness for the Amateur Radio Operator: What to do When Your Radio Brings You NO HELP!" - When disaster strikes, you will need to do much more than communicate! Lists of suggested disaster preparedness supplies are common and often outdated; commercial kits are often incomplete or overstated. Howard will show you the best ways to prepare. What things really are priorities, and what things are secondary. When to improvise, when to buy commercial products, and how to set spending priorities and avoid costly mistakes.

Cindy Hughes, KC6OPI - "Red Cross"

For more information please email the Forums Chair.
