The ARMS membership of the United States and Canada is divided into a number of sections. A map of the sections and list of sections directors are below. The degree of activity of the sections varies, depending on local interest, leadership and other factors. Sections directors are as follows
Section directors
Eastern Director - John Babbit K2GQG
Midwest Director - Bruce Wahlin K0GE
Director - Doug Campbell KW9Q
Rocky Mountain Director - James Fisher NQ7L
Southwest Director - Need a new Director
Northwest Director - Need a new Director
Canada Director - Roland Corkum VA7RA
The ARMS Net Manager is Vacant
Many ARMS sections operate weekly or daily fellowship nets on 75 or 40 meters. Their current day, time and frequency follow:
Eastern: Monday 7:00 a.m. (ET) and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. (ET) on 3907 MHz
Southeast: Saturday, 9:00 AM. ET 7.185 MHz + or - QRM
Midwest: Saturday, 7:00 a.m. (CT) - 3.905.5 MHz
South Central: none at present
Thursday 2000 Freq not fixed
Mountain: none at present
Southwest: Sat 9:45 a.m. PT 7.233 MHz
Thursday, 7:30 a.m. PT - 3.965 MHz
The 20-meter Transcontinental Net. The 20-meter ARMS Net meets every day except Sunday on 14.3075 MHz from 1500 to 1700Z (1400 to 1600Z, during DST). That is 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Mountain Time, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Central Time, and 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon Eastern Time. As each station checks in, it is assigned a number. Members from all over North America, as well as occasional overseas members, check in. After a half hour of taking early-bird checkins, the net control station opens the net. The net control station calls on stations in the order in which they checked in. Stations may continue to check into the net at any time throughout the two hours of the net operation. Checkins share prayer concerns, give updates about ongoing activities and often give short scripture verses. Members may have information or traffic for other members. Checkins who are unable to stick around for their turn may request "short time," that is to take their turn right away. Overseas stations, missionaries, and mobile stations have priority and may take their turns at any time.
We have a CHAT ROOM you can use if on the radio or just an SWL, here is the link:
The net control stations for each day of the week are:
Monday - Mike Rafferty,K7PTL, Stevensville, Montana
Tuesday - Jerry Burns, K1GUP, Carmel, Maine
Wednesday - Roland Corkum, VA7RA, Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Thursday - Lew Orcutt, N0CXY, Willey, Iowa
Friday - Ron Kassen, W0RVK, Harrisonville Mo.
Saturday - Shared: Tom Hauskins AA0LF Marion, Iowa, Dean Albertson, K0TVJ, Mesa, AZ
ARMS is on a Video group meeting on Monday 2100-2200Z using Jitsi as the provider. A round-table format is used for Christian ham check-ins from stateside as well as overseas. You are invited to join us at this link: . If you want to receive an Email of this each time we have it request this invite with Stu [email protected] along with your Email address and he will add you to those Emails to send one too you each week.
Updated 27 Jan 2024