Midwest Section Report 4 June 2014

The Midwest Section is still attending local hamfests, setting up a display, and passing out information. The response has been overwhelming.  Anyone who wishes to set up a display at a local hamfest in their area, and would like help, please contact AA�LF, Tom Hauskins. The next display is scheduled at the Cedar Valley Amateur Radio Club Hamfest located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on August 3, 2014.

Five members of the Midwest Section attended the Des Moines Radio Amateurs� Association hamfest on April 19, 2014. They were Roger W�ZMU, Tom AA�LF, Pat KC�YHV, Barb KD�NEZ, and Craig KC�YHU.

The ARMS Midwest Section Saturday Net typically has 8 to 10 check-ins per week.  We start at 7 AM CT on 3903.5 Mhz. All sections are welcome to check in.

The Midwest Section Get-Together will be held at the Grotto of the Redemption in West Bend Iowa on August 16, 2014. Please RSVP to Tom, [email protected] by June 15, 2014, if you plan to attend. Additional information and a return post card will be sent to Midwest Section Members prior to the RSVP date. Any ARMS member from any section is welcome to join us. Let me know how many will be attending.


Tom Hauskins, AA�LF

ARMS Midwest Section Director