Click here for Japanese islands 

I have a special affinity for Japan. I lived in Japan from 1995 - 1998 in Tottori City (operating daily as 7J3AQB/4 before and after work) and in that time amassed a Japanese QSL collection of several thousand individual cards. Despite being highly urbanized, the country remains heavily steeped in nature, and as a result Japan's QSLs are among the most beautiful in the world.

JL8GCX Hokkaido

JH8KFE Hokkaido

JH7VHZ Aomori

JN7AUN Yamagata

JA7UZW Akita

JJ7WAB Miyagi

JA7XBA Miyagi


JA1EY Miyake Island

JR1AGC Chiba

JA1IWP Kamakura

7K3MPA Chiba

JN2XAC Shizuoka

JA3UXB Osaka

JA3FAY Hyogo

JS3NQM Hyogo

JA3UGZ Hyogo

JH9DCX Toyama

JA4GQT Okayama

JG4NJN Hiroshima

JG5JII Tokushima

JA6QZ Fukuoka

JA5CPJ Kagawa

JA6HJW Kumamoto

JJ6QOF Kagoshima

JQ6DGR Kagoshima


Click here for Japanese islands