Contest Rules

Sometimes we assume too much and you know what that does. So for those who wonder what Amateur Radio contesting is all about, and for those contesters looking for a web page with quick links, I have created this contest rules page. The purpose is inform the Amateur Radio community about the upcoming contests and what the rules are for the specific contests listed. There are many more contests than I have listed but this is the major batch and some of the minor ones I like to participate in.

A Ham radio contest is an effort to prove ones communication abilities compared to others. In most cases it involves trying to make as many contacts as possible during a certain period of time. The challenges include trying to predict the propagation, or what frequencies will be best to communicate on during any timeframe within the contest. Configuring and maintaining a host of hardware including antennas, antennas rotators, antennas towers, radios, computers, amplifiers, switches, lightning arrestors and much more.

Contests vary in length from a few hours to a few days. The group one tries to contact varies as well from other local hams to hams all around the world. Some contests award prizes for the top scorers in given categories. Top awards include certificates and plaques. Although contesting has sets of rules, many of the rules can not be enforced and require that individuals respect  and honor the rules and the system.

If you think you'd like to know more about this contest stuff, EI8IC has put together a nice FAQ page.