Echolink node # 114791
The repeater most of the time is connected to Echolink under AB6CQ-R. Node number is 114791. The node is based on a dedicated K6/2-333mhz pc just running Echolink. The link radio is a Vertex FTL-7011 on a homebrewed dualband antenna. Interface is of course the AB6CQ compact interface. Feel free to connect to the node and give us a call. We're a happy-go lucky bunch that welcomes QSO's. 
The system is part of the CNARN (California Nevada Amateur Repeater Network) that covers a big part of Southern California and Las Vegas. At least the drive down to L.A. on I-5 is not as boring anymore. We're also tied in to Triarc of New York. We got a pretty wide area coverage through RF links and Echolink combined. We also have regular DX contacts from all over particularly from Japan and the UK.
Since the link is always on for extended periods, I run the radio on low power. I found this to be enough for this operation since it's full quieting to the repeater anyway. If you are putting up an RF link. I suggest using a commercial grade radio because they are more robust than their amateur equipment counterparts. Even at that, put a fan on the radio to keep it cool.