ARRL/ARES Power Connector Standard

For Electrical Safety and Equipment Compatibility


  This is the ARRL/ARES power connector standard.  It uses common
Molex-brand two-pin Power Connectors rated for 12 Amps, and they
are available at Radio Shack, packaged in pairs (RS #274-222).
They will handle 50w radios and accessories, but should not be
used for 100w transmitters (RS says 8 Amps, but Molex officially
specs them at 12 Amps in the 2-pin connector).

  The pointed edge of each connector is the positive, and the
solid male plug with female pins is the cable connected to the
power SOURCE (battery, power supply, cigarette lighter plug).
  The female plastic shell gets the male (solid) pins, and is then
connected to equipment pwr cables (VHF/UHF radios, TNCs, laptops
and keyers).

                    ______                 _____
                    |   ||----/\          /\    \____
                    |   |/___/  \        /  \____|___\
                    |   |   | _ |        | __|   |   |
RED + ===[FUSE]=====|   |   |(_)|        |(__|   |   |======= RED +
                    |   |   | _ |        | __|   |   |
BLK - ==============|   |   |(_)|        |(__|   |   |======= BLK -
                    |   |   |   |        |   |   |   |
                    +---+---+---+        +---+---+---+
Power Source         Female pins            Male pins         Load
                     Solid body           Plastic shell

  Make Field Day and Emergency operating easier and safe, use the
ARRL/ARES power connector standard!