It is, therefore, with great pleasure that I inform you that the American, Radio Relay League will be requestd to act as the representatives of the transmitting radio amateurs of the country, provided the response received from the amateuras upon publication, of this plan is such as to warrant the final adoption of it by the War Department.
The Signal Corps fully appreciate the magnitude of this undertaking. It cannot be accomplished in a few weeks air months. By careful, considerate, cooperation on the part of the Signal Corps and the amateurs this plan should in a year or
so, provide the Usted States with a vast number of radio operate"s of potential value to their communities and the nation in an emergency.
is confidently believed that this plan is beneficial to both the Signal Corps and the transmitting radio amateur. The ama-teur's participation in it will be concrete and positive answer to those who question his right to continue to exist as such,.
You are at liberty to publish this letter with the plan.
Hoping that the response of the amateurs to this plan is such
as to warrant its final adoption, I am,

Yours sincerely,
(signed) C. McK. SALTZMAN,

Major General,
Chief Signal Officer of the Army.

The plan of affiliation is published at the end of this article. It is now up to us members of the A.R.R.L. to showr suficiently favorable reception of the plan to justify the War Department in putting it into effect; at once. We already know how many of our members feel about the subject, for two general questions about it were included in the recent TrafficDepartment questionnaire and over 80% of the Official Relay Station operators want such an opportunity and are prepared to keep a weekly schedule when necessary. But this isn't enough: we need a more specific indication for the Signal Corps.
Here is what we want every interested station owner is to do:
Read carefully the plan published at the end of this article. If you are interested in working under this plan, mail one of your regular station cards to A.R.R.L. Headquarters with the statement thereon that you are willing to accept appointment as an "Army Amateur Radio Station".

Mail another similar card, making reference to this Q
ST article, to the commanding General of your 'Corps Area. If you don't know in what area you are located, address the nearest one. They are located as follows: First Corps Area, Boston; Second Corps Area, New York; Third Corps Area, Baltimore; Fourth, Atlanta; Fifth, Columbus, Ohio; Sixth, Chicago; Seventh, Omaha; Eighth, San Antonio; Ninth, Presidio, San Francisco. Example: an amateur in Ohio would address "Commanding General, Fifth Corps Area, Columbus, Ohio."

Here are all manner of splendid opportunities for us. A chance to serve another branch of our government, another call to answer to organize ourselves to handle emergency communication, a new source of interesting message traffic in large volume, an opportunity to learn all about operating in "tactical nets" which is a new idea in amateur radio organization. It is estimated that when the plan is in full operation some 3,000 amateur stations will be needed. It will take a couple of years of hard work to bring this about. The army is going to appoint an ofhcer just to act as liaison agent between the amateurs and the Signal Corps
in this work. He will be located at 2CXL, which will be the control station for the "army" or nation-wide net mentioned in the plan. There will be opportunity in this plan for every kind of amateur transmitter, for there are different kinds of nets, working over different distances, in every part of the country.  If we can put this job over it will be the biggest thing A.R,R.L. has ever done. Certainly it is the biggest