The AATV Video repeater is W7ATV/R located on Shaw Butte in the North Mountain Preserve.

The 2 meter FM voice repeater (146.84 -), W7ATV/R is also located on Shaw Butte in the North Mountain Preserve.

We hold a video net each Wednesday and Sunday evening at 7:30pm with a two meter FM voice input using the 146.84 repeater. The net is a directed net and uses a net control operator. Each participant "checks in" with the net control operator who compiles a check-in list. In turn "net control" passes repeater control back to each check-in so they may transmit video and audio. The output of this repeater is on 421.25 MHz which corresponds to cable channel 57. This allows viewers to watch, (and listen), on an ordinary television. We use our voice repeater at the same time to allow even more participation. We welcome anyone to join us. You don't need to have video to participate in the net. Many non-hams enjoy our nets, We can also be found on the British Amatuer Club Streaming ( BATC.TV ) In the repeter streams under W7ATV, We hope you enjoy our show !

Join us and SEE what you've been missing!"

Repeater Frequencies

Audio Repeater

146.840(-) 162.2 PL







434 mHz AM

421.25 mHz AM

1265 mHz FM

1241.25 mHz AM



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