By AA6J Bill Jeffrey
Assistant Scoutmaster and Merit Badge Counselor
4. How do radio waves carry information?
Explain how radio waves carry information. Include in your explanation: transceiver, transmitter, amplifier, and antenna.
A detailed explanation of what happens inside a radio is too complicated for most Scouts. A definition of these words along with requirement 6(b) is all that is provided in the Merit Badge book for this requirement. Requirement 6b has a diagram of these items.
Receiver: Receives radio signals and converts them to audio frequencies so they can be heard
Transceiver: Transmitter and receiver in one box
Transmitter: Sends radio signals after converting the audio frequencies (speech into a microphone) to radio frequencies
Amplifier: Makes signals or sounds more powerful.
Amplifiers are inside of most transceivers, although you might add a larger one for more power if needed.Antenna: Sends radio signals out from the transmitter and receives them for the receiver. Can vary from small whips found on a car to long single wires to large multipart beams. Size can vary from a few inches to 100's of feet long.
There are several ways ("modes") a ham can send a message. Of course you understand voice, called "phone," using a microphone. This can be sent using Single Side Band (SSB), Frequency Modulation (FM), or Amplitude Modulation (AM - not used much by hams). Then there's Morse Code, which we call CW for Continuous Wave. Other modes include packet (digital using a computer hooked up to a radio) and RTTY (sort of like teletype).
These notes are designed to help the Scout earn a merit badge that sometimes can seem a bit difficult. They are not intended to replace the Radio Merit Badge book.You will still need to meet with a merit badge counselor. |
4Links about this requirement below:
Copyright Bill Jeffrey 2000-2002. Rights to
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Modes and Modulation by has more detailed explanations of the different modes used in ham radio.
AC6V's DX & Amateur Radio - My friend Rod has the world's best collection of links to amateur radio information.
Last update February 3, 2002