arkaiv - mula1


People who do not know CW will not last as a ham. At the beginning they might be hyper active and over the years they will fade slowly. Of course it will not be 100%. There will be some residue who would made themselves heard fom time to time. The real spirit of ham radio is morse code itself. The spirit gives life. In Malaysia there are almost 4000 hams now and will be climbing very fast. RAE is held twice a year and in each year thousands of candidates sit for the exam. The active numbers who come on repeaters are very negligible. It is quite a surprise that some hams could shake off themselves quickly from ham radio and do something elses though some of us think hamming is part of our blood. 

As I observed the worlwide standard of communication has declined abruptly. The SOP went haywire as only a single call sign was used and CB lingos were brought in. To avoid the pain to the ears some old hams just go to the CW portins and pounding away their keys.

Lazy people tend to be lazy in many aspects. If they are lazy to learn than they are lazy to work. This is particularly true in Malaysian society. The laziness in the persuing of knowledge eventually drains the mental content. Talking and ragchewing begins to fade. What is left will only be name, QTH, WX, Ant, rig and good bye. Radio is only meaningful for mobiling only to break away from monotony and to get guidance to a certan place. As for me GPS does not fail to guide me to places I want to go.

Remember, this is just my prediction. The hypothesis could always has it's rebutal.  

How much more sale is made when CW was dropped ? The competition with the internet is very great. Skype is fantastic. Once you are hooked with Skype you could possibly be able to shake yourself from ham radio and get away from those who are against the spirit of ham radio.


I wonder how much monitoring is done by the MCMC, the radio authority in Malaysia. Again today someone came on the MARTS's national link and mentioned the word 'pundek'. Pundek is a Tamil word to mean something like the 4 letter word. Te exact meaning of pundek is vagina. And he said that several times. On ASTRA's national link the 4 letter word is being uttered several times. That is not to mention the occurance on simplex frequencies. No action was taken against people who operate without the license. The MCMC does not seem to use the word license. In law today operate without a license is not illegal. No ham radio operator is given a license but a ticket that confirms an apparatus registeration. That is the reason why a commercial repeater is approved for those non-amateurs to operate using ham equipments. The authority cannot take action on the operators who had been defined as pirates.

Almost all of the MCMC officers are new to ham radio. They do not know what is the spirit of ham radio and what actually makes ham radio spiritual, respectable and divine. In fact the person in the ITU does not feel the divinity of it. Samuel Morse was responsible in making ham radio divine and spiritual.

The authority is soft as it redefined the law pertaining to ham radio by dropping the license and instead only interested whether an equipment is registered. And yet thousands of equipments are not registered. HF and VHF are sold like a hot cake. These rigs are sometimes given to the small kids to talk and shout.

To whom does the word pundek means to go ? To his own mother ? To the authority ? To all the ham operators ? What does the MCMC think ?

Rumah baru saya ialah atau


9M2YP ( Yee ) is my CW partner. I could copy Yees's CW just by listening because of the good and clear spacing. Characters are not joined. Working CW with Yee is a real joy. We would ragchew for at least 1/2 hour, usually an hour or more. I don't send him any slower than 15 wpm, may be 18 or more. Yee copied all. In one CW ragchew I told him the smarter you are the better you will be in CW. That's only an opinion. He agreed. From Medan my CW sparing partner is YB6LD, Donny Sirat. Don is a fast CW man. I don't have any problem in reading his sending though I cannot send as fast as he can.

Click the right option button like option Random, choose the number of words per minute and click the send button.

Enjoy yourself and have fun with it.

HAM RADIO IS NOT A POLITICAL BODY - Ham radio is neither a political body nor a tool for individual attack. Even though the MCMC is under a Malaysian government, it does not entertain any member to behave like a Malaysian politician. Ham radio is international. Members have to abide by the international behaviour and it's code of ethics. Though rich people has greater advantage in politics and in a hobby, let not that be the determinant for a special respect and given a very special treatment. People of a certain political belief prone to a bossy behavior though it may not  neccessarily be true. What used to be was titles were not used in amateur radio. We know it is very difficult for everyone to address King Hussein as Hussein. It would be easier to address him as His Highness. But we must remember that calling our PM as Pak lah seems to have more juice and we can feel the respect of it.

What are the political behaviour we are talking about ? Politicians get together in a group and would find weaknesses or degrading their opponents or the other party. Quarrel seem to be a very normal thing. Some politicians are haughty and arrogance. Many like to tell lies. The ones with powers would misuse their power. In the book "Animal Farm" a pig says "..all pigs are equal, I am more equal tan you are..." Many politicians think they are the smartest of the lord and other people are nuts.

If everyone looks after the ham radio well and never politicise it, and never use it as a political tools then the sanctity of Malaysian Amateur Radio will remain. Let's take care of our ham radio.

But we must remember that calling our PM as Pak lah seems to have more juice and we can feel the respect of it.

What are the political behaviour we are talking about ? Politicians get together in a group and would find weaknesses or degrading their opponents or the other party. Quarrel seem to be a very normal thing. Some politicians are haughty and arrogance. Many like to tell lies. The ones with powers would misuse their power. In the book "Animal Farm" a pig says "..all pigs are equal, I am more equal tan you are..." Many politicians think they are the smartest of the lord and other people are nuts.

If everyone looks after the ham radio well and never politicise it, and never use it as a political tools then the sanctity of Malaysian Amateur Radio will remain. Let's take care of our ham radio.